BG's are all premades horde favored

Nah they 100% go in as 5 warrior teams. And queue that way all night


I have never once advertised LF x class/spec
Nor have I yet to be denied a group because I don’t heal on any of my characters.

The pool of players is too low for that anyway. People on horde really are just trying to speed up the Q, we don’t need any healers to trounce you anyway.


yet you still premade to BG, scared?

That horde queue times suck because horde as a faction have map advantage in WSG and AB, on top of the vastly stronger faction class. Alliance players don’t want to play bgs anymore as a result.

Let’s see… 40min q vs 4min q. Yep I’m scared.

Horde will have a blast in their AV queue times. Horde population is booming for PvP due to the OP state of Shamans. People play them because they are strong and people went horde to avoid playing against them.

In my small community I PvP with lost a handful of players in Phase 2 to avoid fighting shamans. Premade WSG teams are just stacking 3-4 ele shamans that have high damage reduction, high burst, off heals with riptide and a ton of offensive dispels.

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I play solo as horde, so not every BG match is a premade, but solo queue as horde has terrible queue times which is part of the problem since premades get in faster (blizzard has been aware of this for months and hasn’t even commented on it).

Working as intended probably

Every BG I queue into as Horde, we face at least one Alliance premade. Again, Ally are winning like 60% of BGs from what I’ve seen. Horde are basically forced to queue as 5-mans because of queue times; Ally have been doing this since P2.

I personally feel they should just faction mix in SoD. There’s a variety of reasons that Alliance are getting ROFLstomped in BG’s and I really don’t know how they could fix it with Faction vs Faction.

Shamans are a drastically better PVP class than Paladins in group pvp. Horde racials are better and Horde seem to attract more pvp focused players.

A quick fix, would just be to change it from Horde vs Alliance to one giganitic queue of Red Vs. Blue in BG’s.

An even better fix is to buff Mages and Locks (I can’t believe I am saying locks). Because those two classes will help immensely in group battles. Its not blizzard fault alliance are in love with Paladins.

Alliance cry about seeing 3+ shamans in every bgs… but they should take a look at their squad. I bet there are just as many paladins (rets).

remove the blanket DR and individually PVP tune outlier spells that hit too hard in PVP, namely Starfire, by like 10% to start and see how it feels.

even though I didn’t get to use divine storm (RIP), ret felt the best it has for the entirety of P3 pre DR/HR nerf, I felt like an actual major threat when I connected but because damage was so high I still had to be mindful of positioning and heals. my casted heals felt beefy in combat, my judgement, exorcism, crusader strike, and hammer of wrath SLAPPED, but I could also get slapped if I wasn’t careful.

ranged damage was still crazy but heals were impactful. p3 PVP would have been really enjoyable if they didn’t randomly buff burn so crazily and then implement a stupid DR/HR. I didn’t even feel like ele was broken before burn buff and the dampening, I was kinda annoyed about MSW healing but at least they could still die with pressure by taking damage fast. dampening and burn change made both shaman specs the best caster and melee class in a teamfight, and there was already starting to be an overabundance of shaman coming off P2 enhance juggernauts.

I have always hated skills that hit/crit for a ton. I enjoy more of a reaction type pvp fight… tick for tack, defensive and offensive plays.

I actually enjoyed the first DR try the most. I wasnt 2 shot’n anyone but I also wasnt dying in 3 secs. Adjusting healing numbers is probably harder you can’t gut hydrid heals but they shouldn’t be way OP. Maybe no HR just increase the mana cost… even though going oom is terrible too. =) See, its hard to get the healing down right.

I think a lot of Alliance PVPer’s got to R7 with blood moon tokens. I was lvl 50 on Friday and then ran to get R7. The state of BG’s for alliance is SO not fun, I quit going. I even quit game because they haven’t shown us a short cut to R14. ZOS gave short cuts to WSG and AB exalted. There is ZERO reason for most geared Alliance PVPer’s to go to AB or WSG. Actually, I quit the game because I couldn’t stand to have to BG m;y way to R14. Although, historically, Alliance usually wins AV. Alliance had those cross server discords in Classic. Horde qqed so much, Bliz kept trying to not let Alliance group at AV because Alliance WON almost all. In phase 1 I ran 187 WSG premades and won like 181 to get exalted. All those Alliance Pvper’s are gone now. It’s really no point now. The best idea I’ve seen for ppl that don’t have R7 is to do the Loss Mades. Alliance follows the rewards. The good players have their r7 and aren’t going now.

I think melee should hit hard especially if you’re less mobile, like ret and enhance should both truck people. make ghost wolf instant cast for enhance so you can have mobility over our more defensive capabilities with bubble, but give us an instant flash of light with AoW procs on some kind of CD (since we don’t have to choose to exorcism, it resets the CD) or MSW should take some kind of penalty to healing

I would be ok with Rets getting WoG. =) Ghost Wolf should have the slow immunity it has on retail? I believe… LOL retail (havent played in a long time).

I would be in heaven if shamans got Lightning Lasso or Hex. I don’t want thunderstorm. Wonder what version of spirit wolves we’re getting. I hope its the healing one. LOL (just kidding. I hope they dont give SW).

Logged in after not pvping nearly at all this past week since I have been pushing M+ and enjoying some retail content with some challenge. sod and classic has definitely made a worse player then I ever use to be, kind of amazed I used to hit 3-4k io regularly and now just potato out.

Classic rotted my mind.

Regardless, sod pvp is boring. Horde premade for faster queues, literally stomp out my first game 31-0. Melee of all flavors are worthless except maybe enhance but you must be trolling to play enh over ele at this point. I have 430 spell power base in my pvp set right now at hit cap, have a ring that procs another what 60? And it seems to proc quite regularly, and a totem that procs another 15.

I hope they introduce something, hvh bgs so people can finally see how blatantly busted ele is in a team pvp, alliance shamans horde pallies with faction changes available to minority factions on your server, or sweeping class balance changes with actual testing.

Fire mage is unplayable in PvP right now, despite casters being so dominant.

Warlock only exists as SL spec and to rot dot and annoy you but I guess it can do something even if it’s trash.

Anyways I logged off, got bored owning everyone.


LOL my win rate in arena S4 is embarrassing, I stepped onto retail with my partner to do some 2s after literal months of playing only SoD WoW and oof

if we get this, remember, you asked for this (especially if it’s Cata WoG)