BG's are all premades horde favored

Friend, pretty much all I do is BG’s on living flame… there are no 10-15 man premades being organized. It is simply 5 random people grouping up to speed up the Q time.

I can’t speak for other servers but if there was a discord for linking 5man groups I imagine we would know about it on LF.


5mans aren’t full premades. They do not count.

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Maybe I should start PVPing :wink:

omgosh u poor thing waiting 40 minutes just to wait for your bg and then win 9/10 games i wish i could hug you

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Less hugging, and more time spent teaching your Paladins how to play.

(We see them AFKing at ST waiting for their bubbles to come up since the only way they know how to play is to Bubble and run in to try and kill something for 12 seconds.)

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“We dont premade its just 5 randoms queueing!”

How many of those randoms are tanks in full greens? Do you go in with 5x melee hunter? As soon as you are putting groups together you are taking the randomness out of it.


You are quitting BGs after facing 2 premades. You wouldnt last on alliance


“it’s just 2 ele shaman and 2 disc priests I randomly picked!”


Just kill people in WPvP

Friend I form a lot of the groups. I /4 LFM AB and take the first 4 who respond.

It’s time to wake up to the fact that you are just being beat by randos.


Means you have no bots aswell. And people that can speak english.

Wake up and realise theres a reason horde queues are cooked at the moment.


If you q solo it takes forever to q, 5 man q’s are 5-10 min also anything over 6 members in a group will put you in a different q’n bracket where you’ll play with full premaids…

Thank God I finally walked away from the SoD pvp situation

The whole thing is just trash all around

Bgs are horde premades farming afk alliance at trollbane, world pvp is griefing at incursions, tuning is whack and class design no direction…

Geez looking back I don’t know how I put up with it for soooooo long lmao

Like the devs actually created probably the worst iteration of WoW for pvp that I have ever played

And I have played a lot not private servers that tried so whack pvp-oriented stuff before

And none of it has been as bad as SoD pvp is lol


It also feels bad to see those AB gates open with only 10 alliance players loaded in vs a full horde team. I would like to say that hasn’t happened more than once but …


WSG has been starting like this as well

Alliance just needs an incentive to queue up… only 10% of them really care about pvp.


Sounds like someone that didnt play classic

I just invite the people who respond first, seems to be what most people do

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People in greens running a tank spec probably wouldnt message you. Or bots. Or people that dont speak english. Or people that dont know how to join the lfg channel.

As soon as you advertise and put together a group, it is no longer random.

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people out here acting like they aren’t recruiting the same way they do for blood moon.

“LF1M heals AB then g2g”