BG's are all premades horde favored

this is the same guy responding to himself btw. mental illness detected


schizo detected

lmao, its not the heals. avg ally queuers are the actually terrible at all things pvp. no actual pvpers left as i expected.

its all pve spec players just joining BGs. had 2-3 ferals(each game) the 3 games I queued. 0 boomkins, 1 spriest, 2 mm hunters total through the 3 games.

shamans are the least of this factions problems.


:point_up_2:game is dead. I hadn’t seen a single feral last time I played, but that was several weeks ago. they’re a very rare sight usually. I know because I inspect every druid so I can be that guy to ask to be put in WF group

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Yeah thats the current state, never been this bad on any other iteration of classic. I guess 2 phases of class imbalance led to the pvpers rerolling horde?

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i wonder if they even rerolled, horde bg pops are awful. i suspect they just left.

shaman class been OP since February + horde incentivized to que as 5 mans VS alliance faster solo que + p3 sucking as a whole = the only people left are dudes like that human priest goober the other day bragging about throwing games on purpose

“almost got my rank 7 guys just gotta AFK at stables a few more games!” - these people existed before, and are another thing that keeps alliance pvpers from queueing. but they’re still left

to any throwers out there reading just know, you are helping kill this game and you suck. SELFISH.

I’ve been playing alliance for the last 10+years and like I have mention before only 10% of alliance are true pvprs. The other 90% just bg for incentives, be it gear/weaps to help them in PvE.

As far as Cata people follow the meta and since all streamers are playing alliance (even ur normally horde playing ones) so does everyone else. What’s left on horde? PvErs that have no business in BGs. When you bgs on horde side in Cata its almost if you are playing alliance side on SOD/ERA/TBC/WRATH. LOL

the cognitive dissonance in your own post is unreal man. the conclusion is staring you right in the face and you literally refuse to comprehend it lmao

fixed it for you, alliance won in wrath too. almost like most people who want to pvp flock to the faction that has an inherent advantage in pvp???

I’m playing alliance because I like paladin, I went into this knowing horde was going to have the PVP advantage, what I didn’t account for was how much they were gonna buff sham and leave paladin behind

:drooling_face: :keyboard:
^ this is you

…why do you think the meta is alliance? why do you think players left the horde to go play alliance? CuZ StReAmErZ??

ok, why did the streamers switch from horde to alliance?

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People flock blindly.

Once again… racials mean the most at high level arenas. Playing Human is not going to magically make you good at pvp. If you are terrible at arena and have never seen 2k+ playing a human wont help. So, streamers went alliance for that advantage the funny thing is they are the 1% of arenas and can get there playing any class or comp really.

In BGs having that 10% advantage surely helps, right? lol

damn bro idk you tell me, alliance racials pretty strong in retail

crazy man I guess in the most populated version of the game, horde just aren’t true PVPers like the chads on the alliance

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I’m willing to bet the top 50 are like 10 people playing multiple classes. That list surely shows me.

it shows you the top rated RBG rated players, whole lot of blue on there

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Smh… The top RBGs group has ALWAYS been alliance. Even with the horde dominate racials. Whats ur point? lol

I remember owning the twink brackets back in the day and our group decided to level up and as fresh 60’s beating the top horde teams in WSG, as alliance.

interesting when were RBGs added to the game?

couldn’t be Cata right?


Im talking about premades… =P the prequal to RBGs. lol

you can be silly and delusional staring quantifiable facts in the face, but I’m done trying to spoonfeed your baby brain the information for you to be unwilling to use your brain

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I dont need to I’ve been playing the game and have first-hand knowledge. You can continue to ignore the fact that alliance has NEVER been known to be the PVP faction. No matter what retail says (no one likes retail) or Cata that will be dead in a month.

more players play retail than any other version of WoW buddy

look at you man, grasping for straws to dismiss objective reality because you don’t like the truth. yeah man everybody knows players roll the same faction on random different servers instead of one server, why would you wanna send mail to your characters?

mans definitely has a horde flag hanging on his bedroom wall

If you dont think that top playing dont have alts (including multiple of the same classes)… and you call me delusional. LOL

I hardly thought Retail is the most popular version. I dont play retail so I can’t say for sure. lol

Can you explain why the horde in Cata are playing bgs like alliance normally do? not doing objectives, fighting on roads, running around aimlessly? and yet when we manage to get a solid group that knows what they are doing. We beat alliance easily.

I’ve played Alliance for the last 10+years simply because I wanted faster bgs queues. Not because they were the meta. I would’ve played horde then. =P