BG's are all premades horde favored

bro you parse grey, i could afk and parse better

I dont play a priest…

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I played a druid and a warrior in tbc.

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trispec benediction, one of your characters.

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Out here commenting on others parses, while parsing greens and greys. Maybe do a better job of hiding your alt forum posters. Remember how i said you need to further your education? We are too smart for you

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You are everything, but smart. Check on of my 7shamans :slight_smile:

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i dont need to, can see your grey and green parses friend.

You a useless troll and a pleb that cant even parse blue and plays on dad server. Welcomy to my ignore list MORON.

Hahahahahaha, cant handle the heat being a green and grey parser. And im the troll :joy:
Guy really needs to educate himself

Dude has 1 good parse phase when his class becomes #1 and numbers have fallen off a cliff. Go back to his Gnomer / BFD parses when there was actual competition.



The only person parsing gray is you, you a troll baiting responses, because you are too bad to actually do anything meaningful in the game. I feel little sorry for you, but it is what it is. Please dont respond anymore I dont talk to sub 95parsers. Bye felicia.

You talk too much cuz, go work on it and maybe one day u see a blue parse.

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I see blue parses when i look at your logs HAHAHAHAH

guy is still liking his own comments from his alts after being called on it holy :poop: dude.

parsing 100 in mental health problems, seek professional help


We are the trolls though for calling out his trolling. Go figure


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bro you green parse, yet you still talk to yourself and like your own comments. So good


he just went back and liked all his posts with his shaman LOL damn dude

truly embarrassing behavior

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I can offer you shaman and other classes coaching, it would be 50k gold an hour on cata or 3k gold an hour on sod. Looking at your logs you could really benefit from basics and then build up on it. I am really busy lately, but I can try to squeeze you in if you interested. I think since your logs are still clear we have at least 4-5 hours of stuff to go over. Good luck and lmk if you’d like to improve.

I dont think anyone would pay a green parser bud. I could log onto a toon for the first time and green parse.

Lmao damn rent free. I’m in there to pvp. I was given the claws because I pvp, and hold it down when people want fair buffs or need someone to drop 40 kills in a Ab or wsg.

I’m in the normal run too which is kind of hilarious not even in any of the try hard runs.

Glad you are mad.

Farmed him so hard he had to schizo go to WCL to flex on a pvp player lmfao