BG's are all premades horde favored

can completely invalidate assa rogue go too while buffing you. what a chad race

You name is about as cringe as your parses obvious troll, imagine being in a decent guild and doing subaverage dps, literally my shaman alt has better parses and more dps…yikes dawg.

I think u need to break at least 1.8k dps before you start making senseless statements on the forums from another expansion.

Somehow you have both claws and do less damage then me with green mace smashing star of the tiger.


You shouldnt be allowed to post / have an opinion on the forums with your level of reading comprehension. Multiple times he referes to sod and you still dont understand what he is saying, so instead you dig through his parses in a pvp thread. Just another brain dead person that gets a voice on a public forum.

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Mad, coz bad.

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Theres only 1 person here mad enough to deep dive through logs brother. Are you calling yourself bad?

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Aussie boy, that cant parse more then green. I am sure you bring lot of great informations to these forums. Dont waste my time.

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Oh you go look up my parses did you? What a waste of time hahahahaha. Bro has the reading comprehension skills of an 8 yr old so resorts to going through logs. Maybe take that time to educate yourself.

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Your words tell me whatever you want to tell me, mostly irrelevant blabber with nothing worth reading, your logs tell me how you actually play.

The archon addon is awesome to check logs in-game, check it out.


The fact that he has both claws and performs worse then your alt shaman with green mace is weird, I thought noted was a decent guild.


What do my logs say about me old wise forum poster with the brain capacity of an 8 year old

Bro logs onto other characters to like his own posts and reply to himself. Werent you the one calling people cringe?


lmao I was just about to call this out, look at the toons post history. SOOO CRINGE.

I peeped my boy Disrespecter’s logs and dude is talking down on a 97.5 perf avg parser lmao. what an absolute loser. tbf Mtn apparently cares a lot about his logs because he got some 100s in Gnomer.

congrats on being top sweat in SoD lol enjoy your brag. I got a log in the toilet he can check if he wants


If I had a 97.5 avg with both claws in noted, I would do them a favor and just quit. His dps is low, its okay to be new to the game and try to improve, but dont come on the forums, when your skill just isnt there and try to talk smack.

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He replies to himself in old threads, and calls others cringe. Man has no shame


when was the last time you saw the outside world my guy? apparently 2.5% from the absolute best parse score possible = bad player whos opinion doesn’t matter on PVP lmao.

go make some real friends instead of pretending your alt toons are your friends. holy crap I’d feel bad for what a loser you were if you weren’t the walking embodiment of 20 years of WoW toxicity condensed into a person


Also while hiding behind multiple alts so people cant view his parses. What an absolute clown

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You either 1st or you last.

I appreciate the advice to make friends, but I have enough.

I too feel bad for you. It takes 2-3 buttons to play your class and you managed to fail.

Thanks for all the compliments <3

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Bud you are a green parser commenting on people with 97.5 averages. Time to hop off the forums and maybe see to furthering your education

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Lg, Trispec, and Feelthebeat aren’t real bro

they aren’t your friends

just your alts that you like your own comments and talk to yourself with


If you think I am toxic, my friends would make you cry.

@notop with my eyes closed hands tied behind my back, just slapping my manhood on the keyboard and I would still parse better then you. You never even seen a blue parse.

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go look up his priests TBC logs. They are greys and greens!!! HAHAHAHAHAAHHAHA


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