BG's are all premades horde favored

Funny and true ik. Thanks for replying.

Red vs Blue tribalism is just funny. Literally starbelly Sneetches with stars upon ours tier crap.

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Dr Seuss you uncultured swine

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Hello child.

being able to disperse on mount is so troll, shout out to the devs for that one

First of all…rude.

Secondly, Curious George was far superior.

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Thomas was way better.

Aliance has always been more pve oriented because of their racials and paladins. They have always struggled in pvp, horde is more driven to win, when I play my aliance char there is always someone saying “go next” “townhall” , “its better honor to go next” 3people sitting whole game stables or morons pushing for gold mine, on horde I never have any of these problems. As someone who played aliance for many years, the switch to horde is so worth it, just not having rets on your team alone is a huge win, they never freedom or bop or do anything positive for your team. Aliance is cool if you like to pve, but dealing with aliance in bgs is painfull to say the least.


It’s crazy you wrote this so confidently.

Literally alliance are making horde bite the pillow rn in cata so hard they are crying. The PvP ladder in retail is dominated by dark iron dwarves, night elves , and gnomes.

People arent good because they like horde. Good players are good players because they make a series of good decisions. One good decision to make is an unfair advantage achieved by racials.

The majority of gladiators in wrath were humans if their class could be humans.

Horde are regularly crying and having their mascara run after getting ran through in random bgs by male human chads.

How delusional are you? Hopefully delusional enough to not exercise your rights to vote.


dark iron racial is so cracked dude. you mean a better version of stoneform that buffs my dam for each dot I eat? yum yum give me more

You are talking about arena in different expansion I am talking bgs in classic.

Its like I am talking about chicken and you saying that you like omelet, these things are not even remotely related. Faction doesnt matter in arena, because you play with someone you already know.

I was talking about solo q battle grounds are a lot better as horde, because Aliance gives up very quickly and usualy afks of the bat.


alliance are stomping horde in Cata BGs, almost like OP racials bleed into every aspect of PVP

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I already answered why this was.

I’m glad you cherry picked your argument , would be a good a deflection if you weren’t such an idiot that deserved to be disrespected.

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This is SoD forum, nobody cares about cata, most games dont even fill with horde 100ali vs 6 horde is not a battleground.


on this though, ayyy man I went alliance cuz I wanted them to do right by my favorite class. look how they done did us :frowning:

Yeah I usually play dwarf and even then I had to switch. Its so nasty on a warrior to get a full clean off of dots and then get a buff as well.

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I wonder why only 6 horde are showing up?

Seems like you have nothing of value to add to the conversation. I am sorry you dont understand the game, but I dont have the time to explain it to you right now. Hope you get better in the future.


This is for You.

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