BG's are all premades horde favored

hmmm, I wish I could create an alliance on CS. So, I can talk sh1t to horde on my shaman. LOL

Oh, well… back to Cata till phase 4.

not on horde side. still active enough considering.

man if they leave you unchecked AV ques are gonna be fun for you guys

what a classic from not even a month ago
“they’re surely gonna do same faction ques right guys???”

then everything is dead. im still sticking with shadowstrike for my ally server though, aussie timezone works with my weekdays and on top of that the server is desynced from the rest of na. different BM timing too.

Mixed faction bgs is the way to fix both the queu and the QQ problems at the same time.

honestly one of the things i think is funniest is all the ele and enh sham complaints when i think resto vs holy might actually be the biggest gap there is. ill see when geared and 50 on my pally tho.

shout out to the devs for making the holy shock dark rider rune only increase damage

i just think youd need something like 40-50% crit on holy light to come close. i guess 40 is doable with the 18% rune?

big fan of divine sacrifice though

vanilla bosac with beacon will also be fun

I have always liked Holy Paladin. Ret is too boring for me, though Cata Ret is borderline OP.

I’d imagine so, I run lamellar set str/stam/int with sp and crit as ret and have 25% holy spell crit with fanaticism

i only played cata beta and ret had no cd word of glory

It could help but is it doable in this version of the game?
Plus wouldn’t it be easier to just buff ret to be on par with enhance and add a ranged paladin gameplay for holy?

i mean this client is not vanilla. we’re basically on an emulator officially.

Double 3 set bonuses is better,mate. 1 hit + 1 crit helmet is too good. And you have almost the same crit chance, since lamellar glove gives crit.

And probably even less resources, than a regular team.

Are we back on that “Cuz Alliance are bad” cope?

yeah plus double stam bonus is nice but I have almost 2.8k mana with full set. I’ve ran with both but tbh I just haven’t tried double 3 set as much.

cbf to log in til p4

I mean horde has always been better at pvp, idk why are you suprised? Average aliance bg group has 5clueless rets running in circles 3ppl afk at the gy after 1st cap and that gnome rogue is afk stealthed in flag room. Ofcourse the horde wins.

This is hilarious, only made even more so funny that the first tankiest class is a leather chicken unable to use a shield pushing 5.5k plus armor and abusing frenzied regen….

God these panzer tank casters are insane. Hell the third tankiest class maybe priest with disperse since they can negate any killing cc landed on them by pressing disperse, bonus points if they don’t leave their mount and resume full speed.

It’s a sad day for regular Joe melee out here for real.

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