BG's are all premades horde favored

Someone that doesnt have to lie to get their point across. =P



Where have I lied?

I lvld to 50, joined AB. Post a screenshot of my first ever BS clash where i topped damage. Post another one topping KBs. All while in mostly lvl 30 greens.

Nothing about cracking codes or showing them, just another player having to roll a shaman because of the current meta. Quite obvious when you BG as a shaman after BGing as anything else there is a clear difference.

Until you can get data or think about the perspectives from both sides you have 0 idea.

Yet, my first AB in weeks and alliance almost won and there was only 3 shamans (1 2h at that the weakest of the 3 dps specs). Why does our data clash? LOL

you winning is literally a point to me, i dont know what you are not getting about that.

Even the weakest 2h spec still does more damage in team fights than any other class, again go look at my damage break down. I am enhance.

But us almost losing is my point. See… why does our data clash? lol

Anyways… Off to ST on my boomkin. Dueces!

Yeah but you didnt… while you were playing a shaman in a BG with 2 other shaman. You won. You see how that is a point in my favour?

No I dont. Alliance played well is my point. they didnt give up and go afk at ST. =P

While you guys are here on the forums crying up a storm. You already have a headstart of the other alliance by rolling a shaman. Once same faction is introduce you can play with us.

Alliance played well but we still won, our 90% win rate is because even though alliance play well we just always play better.


Want me to keep going?

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yea im hoping i can find a couple pvpers on that server but if i can’t rip

200 sp is more than most people have? Where have i lied?

Name another class that can hit 5 people for 500 damage, and then dotting them. Remember how you were the one that was wrong with the tooltip? You even called yourself an idiot.

You see how flameshock has a CD, so obviously i will be doing other things during that CD. But thanks for showing me hitting a button once every 6 seconds out damages a rogues entire toolkit.

Keep going, because youve only made yourself look like an idiot.

Is Chaos Bolt dead? its currently locked but I do have a toon on there, so I might be able to create a toon. I wouldn’t mind leveling up a paladin too and I will be holy at 60. =)

Was able to make a Dwarf Pally name Stylss. (someone had Styls!). lol

  1. Geared casters have more than 200 sp
  2. That is still the initial tooltip on wowhead, look it up. You aren’t doing 2k damage with 5k dot damage. That’s bs.
  3. I’m done with this, we both know you are trolling hard and I am tired of pointing out your obvious exaggerations and false claims. Take care
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1 of 2 things happened here.

  1. You’re in a bg with legit NAKED people running around OR
  2. You’re lying.

I’m going with 2 being as you’re a forum karen.

I’ll call the manager for you.

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looks like i said people not casters, im an enhance with 200sp im not a caster.

Log into a shaman and you will see that is not the tooltip, so maybe thats another reason they are overtuned? Even when someone else puts in the correct tooltip you still cant comprehend it.

Ok my screenshots and facts mean im trolling and you and styls dont have a double digit IQ combined. Got it

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Except thats not the case and what happened happened because maybe… Just maybe shamans are a little strong in BGs.

Another minion calling me a GOD

i think only crusader strike is actually active

i think chaos bolt is locked. living flame is low pop as hell.

Crusader is pretty dead rn, so is living flame

I had created an alliance when some friends started to play in CB. So, I am able to create an alliance toon. Not sure why its locked if its dead, or is that the reason its locked? cuz its dead. LOL

it got force transfered. cant make chara there anymore but i assume a few people stayed.