BG's are all premades horde favored

spriests kinda suck though. their biggest dot is an unprotected disease you will one shot dispel every attempt. the p3 complaints were always strange to me. they were never even close to what they were pre death nerf p2.

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Dont say that to throwinhands! He claims spriests are the most broken class by a long mile.

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he also said they sucked a week earlier

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must be all his buddies on that pvp discord of his

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Ffs. Do I need to state the obvious?

My apologies on the delay, I went to grill and have a beer.

You did 10k damage in that picture. That isn’t even a full BS clash. You could have easily just taken the SS when you were the highest after throwing out an initial FS and hit a couple people. Stop pretending you are destroying everybody else. And also anybody with half a brain knows that dps meters in PvP are garbage because it only tracks those in range. There is only about 1/3 of your team on those meters.

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You can see the 2minute timer, I topped damage. The 1/3 of my team is currently in range of me hitting the same targets i am in BS. Why would i want the data of people at LM when im not fighting there? Just from the top 10 damage you can see 45k went out against alliance. Thats 9 full HP alliance toons.

Please state the obvious but

Edit: See the other screenshot of me topping KBs? While in 80% greens in my 3rd AB on this toon. Currently have 70HKs. So either i am a literal GOD or my class may be overtuned.

Man, I got outplayed… SP running at me I drop my tremor totem like 2 secs before he got his fear… and it didnt break. LOL

We won 2000/1840.
Alliance had;
3 paladins
2 priests
4 druids,
2 rogues
2 locks
2 mages
not a bad team set up.

Dude, just stop KB’s mine absolutely NOTHING in bgs. So, you FS people that were about to die… see what I did there? lol

Well he didnt want to accept my damage, so had to show another bit of data. The K/D ratio for someone in 80% greens is pretty decent considering im melee.

No its not… the alliance I just fought. We’re actually pretty damn good and their druids bear charge to stop casts and they focus really well. Hightest KB’s was a Ret Pally. NERF THEM TO THE GROUND.

You were probably fighting a sh1tty group probably in greens as well. LOL

Yet you still won, again i dont think this is working in your favour.

The hunter and spriest that were with me had full bis pve / pvp

good luck out there soldier :military_helmet::saluting_face:

But, where were all the shaman’s on my team? Oh, it was only 1 game right?

The AB was actually a good game and kudos to the alliance for putting up a fight and not giving up the instant the gates open. Unlike the alliance on these forums.

you said you had 3? So thats where they are…

I really dont think this is going the way you think it is

Sure they were :+1:

Took a look at your other SS. 7 and 3…clearly you “dominated” everybody else. Alliance was also down a man (14v15) and most likely had afkers. How many of these cherry picked SSs are you going to post?

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Cherry picked with my 70 hks yes. Im only posting screenshots of the first 2 bgs ive been in on this toon. Really had to dig deep into the files for those ones.

Keep telling me im a god

Yes, 2 ele’s and 1 2hd shaman. Boy we surely showed the alliance and we’re the only reason we won the AB.

so thats 3 characters that can do more damage than any other alliance character can. Let alone the utility. You still won even though they were focusing very well and bear was interrupting casts. Still saying the same thing? “Its because horde are good and alliance suck”

Pretty much.

Standard response from someone with very little brain power