BG's are all premades horde favored

I said give alliance shamans and give them instant lv50 with all runes.

it’s just disingenuous to keep saying alliance players just suck and that’s why they lose a vast majority of the time, when pushed you say burn is broken.

how many shamans were in that one Notop screenshot? you have 0 idea how to attempt to actually deal with that because you don’t face that many flame shocks going out

“just pressure the ele when he comes out lol sorry u guys just suck”

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why give up when you can choose a path of no resistance

meanwhile doing the opposite


You are right I dont know. But I do know is one Lock or smart hunter totally recks Ele’s.

How about you guys post what the alliance team make up is next time you bg? I will post mine after I join the next AB.

You realise shadowstrike is oceanic right? May be the reason you are struggling to find groups

you saw the screenshot where i was out damaging people in epics while im wearing greens, and all i had to do was cast flameshock? How do you stop an ele casting flameshock

Yes, cuz people with epics mean they know how to pvp. Juststop should be ur name.

Once again, nothing you have posted proves anything.

Oh, brb AB pop.

Edit: we have 2 shamans… er 3 shamans.

you playing holy?

So for me to be topping that must make me a god? Considering that was my 3rd AB and i was in boe greens. Thanks for the compliment

2 ele’s and 1 2h Shaman. I bet the alliance are scared.

i play late, im usually on when it 6-8 pm st

tell the 2h just to run flametongue and cast flameshock, ez top damage / kills

Man, I got focus and died in 3 secs.

all that says is you dont know how to position / play.

Freedom totem? Sham rage?

I didnt die in the first BS clash and i have 2k hp outside of BGs

of course . feel like it would be crazy to play anything but heals with what i see on ally


These alliance are players. We’re still winning but they are playing hard. =)

i dont think this is working in your favour like you think it is…

I dont know… 3 shamans in this AB. 2 ele’s are really turning the tide.

Again, i dont think this is working in your favour like you think it is. Me a shaman, in 80% boe greens did more damage than hunters and spriests in epics. Thats just 1 of me in bad gear.

You add 2 eles onto that thats even more damage than any other class the alliance play.