BG's are all premades horde favored

Since when have they disappeared though? They havnt vanished, people just play current fotm classes which at the moment is horde shaman. So the same alliance players you say were never interested in BGs are currently playing horde and winning.

a lot of the fotm shamans ARE alliance.


ding, ding… DING!

i literally post 3 screenshots and its still not enough evidence. I shouldnt be topping damage and KBs as enhance while in greens. Something is wrong with the class if thats the case.

yeah nobody argued that lmao

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joining the winning team is not a pvper trait.

Yes, you are literally proving my point into a faction specific class being overtuned… If it wasnt, the same alliance that were losing in BGs as alliance would be losing as horde. Im 5 wins in a row since hitting 50.

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"alliance lose because they all suck

alliance reroll shaman and then win because alliance sucks"

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Because alliance have been giving up since why before shaman’s where OP. It was bound to happen and once AV comes out they will hardly if ever play WSG/AB.

Why bg when you can get rep from Ashenvale and STV events. LOL

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But those said alliance are playing horde so surely horde would be giving up. UNLESS

Shamans have been OP for a majority of the SoD lifespan now

Yes, since phase 2. lol

Strange that alliance had such strong queues in P1, but as soon as shamans become #1 and horde start winning 90% of BGs its because they are better pvpers.

Priests and Rets will do that for you.

therefore, being a faction specific class tilts all the other advantages you inherently have as a horde player, down to the way the devs have incentivized horde players to que, to an easy W most games

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ignore priests because horde have them aswell, and yeah rets were good. just like shamans are now. No where near as overtuned though. So you say rets were the reason alliance were good P1 but you wont say horde are good since P2 because of shamans? You see where im getting the low iq theory from?

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dont worry, he will comment with his current knowledge of BGs from queueing 6 weeks ago

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I have made posts on the queue system and how blizzard broke it. I have said a million times Shamans are OP (though not so much Ele). Burn rune needs to be nerf. I dont know what else you want me to say. I dont queue bgs even though I want to, cause I dont want to contribute to the alliance headaches.

Not my fault alliance don’t have the right classes to counter Ele’s ( the FOTM class ) in group battles.

Edit: About to queue an AB with 1shaman, 1 mage, 1 priest, 1 lock and 1 hunter.

Ret was OP when Avengers Shield was not dispellable/shiftable, but after that was fixed (rightfully so), the meta was 1 paladin for buffs and stacking hunters and priests.
the only BG was WSG of course with a druid FC.

Ret was still good though, because it had more of its kit than the other classes did.

paladin has never been close to the state shaman has been since P2

Yeah so your solution is alliance suck and shamans are fine? You would rather post blindly than think of solutions to fix the BG issues that are currently happening? Without stepping foot into a BG in 6 weeks

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