BG's are all premades horde favored

pretty much, it always just came down to which guilds were on which factions. the best of the best pve were always ally.

But that doesnt make sense if youre saying alliance were never pvp orientated. Even if it was to pvp for pve, every other classic iteration alliance have been more competitive in the BG scene.

Now all of a sudden they arent and the BG scene is dead, but it cant be due to class balance. You even said it yourself they were there in P1. Slowly started dropping in P2 and now non existent in P3. Almost as if a class has been overtuned for a couple phases that is locked behind 1 faction causing people to not want to queue.

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If there was a carrot at the end of the string. Alliance would still queue… They pvp so that they can pve. I played alliance all of Era/TBC… I know whats its like pvp’n on alliance side and how they would give up even in AV (horde ran the scorth earth meta). The ONLY time alliance won AV was when horde tried to play the rush game with them… NO ONE PVE BETTER THEN ALLIANCE.

do i need to post the numbers again where im an enhance shaman in questing greens / boe lvl 35 weapons and im out damaging hunters / spriests in Bis epics? Like its not that hard to see that imbalance is causing the BG issue. But shamans dont want to see this.

People used to grind alts out in BGs, so queues were always decently healthy even towards the end of classic. No point alliance doing this at the moment when balance is so 1 sided resulting in 1hour 20min+ queues for horde.

Obviously there is an imbalance issue… remember phase 1 and all those disc priests? Who ever had more of them in a bg won? That will happen at lv60 people will pick the best possible class to pvp with. That’s not blizzard’s fault. They just need to buff everyone else and make Mages, Warriors great again. lol

Yeah but both factions got access to them. Imagine if only alliance had disc priests in P1. Imagine the skew in BGs. That is what is currently happening. That is why BGs are dead.

Alliances ALWAYS had the more disc priests. lol Thats why I leveled one up and bg with it. To help my faction out. I didnt play my shaman in phase 1.

Yeah imagine if you couldnt level one to help your faction. And you just kept losing 90% of your bgs. Id say if that was the case, alliance queue times would be an hour +. Would you still say its just because they are better in bgs?

Just tell half of those Rets to reroll Locks and Mages.

Just tell those shaman to reroll aswell. Easy balance

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I dont see locks or mages out damaging my flameshock. And im melee :joy:

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Word… If you werent a shaman from day 1. blizzard should delete ur toon or reroll you back to alliance. LOL cuz you know a bunch of alliance jump on the bandwagon.

for a guy who plays both factions you sure do have a bias towards one of them lmao.

funny that you play alliance in Cata “but they have better que times!”

sure, that’s why

Im actually on my horde rogue in cata in WG which we are currently winning. =) But, Yes I do love my alliance mage. =)

Hello from the other side. =)

And the other side. =)

I’ve never played an Orc rogue. So that part is new. Human is BIS for that 10% extra rep buff. =) LOL

Very thought out response from a person that rerolled a toon P1 to make up for class balance.

If you are running around in greens and throwing flame shocks as an enhancement shammy you must spend a lot of time in the gy.

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