BG's are all premades horde favored

hell yeah brother
imagine, if you will
an army of divine warriors of light, surrounded by an impenetrable barrier. they are a holy phalanx of justice, they all press divine storm at the same time. EACH dealing a MASSIVE 250 DAMAGE.
it’s enough to make a shaman wet themselves in terror. I’ve seen it with my own eyes here in the forums

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crazy man it’s like as soon as a player rolls a horde toon they just become good at PVP huh?

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I wish I could level up an alliance character. I would level up a paladin if I could. =)

See ive been playing horde, went alliance for SoD. But i PvP on both and just want a healthy BG environment. I can see when a class is overtuned, especially if said class is locked behind a faction.

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Nope, I was good at pvp while playing alliance. I was killing lv60’s at lv40 on my NE hunter. =) I’m kinda a big deal.

We’re just proving Alliance can’t compete in group vs group because of Elem Shaman’s damage output.

Is it so hard to understand that?

Do it then, what’s stopping you?

He knows he wouldnt be as overtuned as he is now and would actually have to have some sort of brain to pvp.

The can’t make an alliance character on the same server. I’m not leveling up on another server.

Yes, knowing when to press Bubble is hard.

Yeah I know it’s painful to start over from scratch especially when you can’t support your toon with some gold or stuffs.

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considering half yall have a different answer when to press it, idk man.

“just go in and bubble off rip”
“well why didn’t you save your bubble?”

Bubble is on a 5m cd? cuz its ALWAYS up. =P I think the tooltip is wrong. lol

Nope it’s not hard but you’ll learn pvp the hard way.

Levelled on a new server and feeling stronger than any of my alliance toons while im in greens. Life is good. Zug Zug. Its because im a god pvper though and not my class

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News Flash… PvP’n on alliance is always hard. Its the carebear faction.

not true, in p1 they fielded better teams. p2 they were still going strong. p3 they initially had very strong wsg teams but all that’s left seems to be the dregs(on both sides) but alliance morale is broken.

i really think its just that alliance has fewer pvp focused players. as in, primarily pve but the best of pve are usually up there for pvp too. when they quit good luck alliance(they quit).

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Luckily there are years of data that shows Alliance isnt the pvp faction. You play alliance if you want faster bg queues. It’s like 10% of the population that really cares about pvp.

also ive seen 0 sham 0 priest (on my rdru)teams 5 cap alliance. shaman vs pal balance is a problem but the problem is a lot deeper than that.

add to this the state of SoD population. im sure a lot of horde 5 stacks would love to be the underdog but with an uncertain future not many want to put the effort into rolling an ally group. a lot just went for cata arenas. im doing it solo out of curiosity but it took me 3 weeks to hit 48 on my hpal because there is literally no one doing group stuff below 40, at least on shadowstrike.

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same faction bgs are coming thats for sure. Phase 4 better be good cuz if not no one will come back.

Yet in previous iterations of classic other than this alliance have had the more competitive BG brackets. All other iterations of classic other than SoD. But it cant be a balance issue! It cant be