BG's are all premades horde favored

Oh yeah just noticed the overall number + BG in background

Here flame shock numbers from today and my gear is only 6 emerald green set + warden ring nothing more.

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If you had any reading comprehension you would notice i say my #1 damage abilty in BGs is flameshock, and currently i out dps everyone as a whole spamming it. I said it is the most damaging ability in a BG. You are claiming its balanced because a rogue using every ability, not just 1 manages to just keep up with it. Can you see how slow you are seeming?

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I am an enhance with lvl 35 boe green weapons currently out damaging a hunter with epic polearm / bow. No single one of his spells are doing more damage than my flameshock. You had to compare a rogues entire toolkit to me being able to hit 1 button.

wait till he finds out i dont have fire / water totems because i havnt done the class quests yet :eyes:

Edit: Horde BGs definitely arent full of shaman
https:// imagizer.imageshack. com/img924/6461/OsX6dx.png

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fair and balanced you guys he had to walk into 25 yard range 68 times surely he was dead instantly at least half those times


that’s a lot of flameshock going out.

just train the ele when he pops out into 25 yard range 4head gg ez

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https:// imagizer.imageshack. com/img923/5958/ljN5e5.png

Enhance in 80% greens topping. Surely its this easy for every class right? Its because i am a god at pvp! All others are scrubs

Top 5 at the end of the BG were all shamans :joy:

43% of your damage.

Please tell me that is you doing nothing but spamming it. Tell me again.

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Sorry there is an earthshock interrupt or two in there! I mean if i had done nothing but spam it on CD it would of done even more damage! Fair and balanced.

Rets are surely pumping out similar numbers while in full greens yeah?

You know what’s more funny?
I don’t even have the relic totem to increase flame shock to 25 yards. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Just finished a wsg we were 3 elem sham and we just destroyed every guy in front of us.
Here’s the numbers of flame shock.

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Neither, and i dont find myself getting globalled??? So strange. Its almost like these players dont play alliance.

You did other spells other than flameshock so flameshock cant be busted!!!

The only thing you guys are proving is Alliance suck at pvp. LOL

Keep up the good work.

But we are said alliance stomping while playing horde shaman… Ive got a 100% ab win rate so far since hitting 50.

It couldnt possibly have anything to do with a faction only class being completely broken in BGs. That would be the smart thing to think!

Not at all… Alliance are just that bad at pvp. Carry on doing the Horde’s good work.

Dont worry you keep thinking non smart things :slight_smile:

You hurt my feelings. That’s not horde like.

Not my intention, you just keep being oblivious and enjoy the game you love!

Im far from oblivious… its just too much fun messing with alliance. I’ve been playing them for the last 10+ years. Its kinda fresh playing horde for SOD. Just my luck the class I choose has been out of the world fun. =)