BG's are all premades horde favored

screenshots my boy there are free image hosting sites

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screwed up and took a 2nd snip of the damage breakdown. Will probs have to wait another hour to get the initial BS clash damage again. Beat a hunter with epic bow / polearm. Ill upload the 5min damage meter that still has me at 2nd to the hunter with epic bow

Nvm it was in screenshot folder, uploading now

A gift for you.


Shaman in 80% greens, hard life out damaging Bis spriests and hunters.

https:// imagizer.imageshack dot com/v2/498x410q70/924/7S5HDw.png

And im the idiot… HOW GOOD

could you imagine if im in full pvp gear, with 2 other shamans out damaging everything else that alliance have access to. No wonder BGs are in the current state they are.

  1. Post the damage breakdown.
  2. Dps meters in bgs don’t work if people are out of range. Just an fyi champ
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It’s day and night when I play on Horde or Alliance.

3 elem sham at BS for the first engage? A carnage.
3x flame shock and then 3x lava burst + overload + 3x chain lightning.

Alliance has nothing to compete against this.

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Break down is over 50% of my damage is flameshock. Dps meters work for a clash in BS because they are in range, and i still out damage them as an enhance running burn rune.

While in greens.

Post the damage breakdown. That’s overall damage.

Thats a 2min clash at BS. I took the screenshot straight after?

https:// imagizer.imageshack. com/v2/318x406q90/924/FfYmma.png

If thats what you are meaning with breakdown

Which doesn’t show what spells and abilities were used. Post the breakdown

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literally running around as a melee casting flameshock in 80% greens and out damaging spriests / hunters in epics. Fair and balanced.

this has to be pre DR right?

Had a ret attacking me the whole time, i just pop sham rage and he was tickling me

The screen was taken on May 26th.
DR was active? Can’t remember.

Oh ok I see what you mean.
The right side of the screen is lava burst damages not flame shock don’t pay attention to it.

DR was active then, is this your SS? could be a PVE SS maybe. I have a hard time believing this is damage going out in the current DR. But still crazy, 30% reduction of those crits is still 700+ dam

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Ok, thank you for that. Let’s analyze the breakdown shall we. Your flame shock did 4.7K, not 10.4K. The rest of your damage was from your enhance abilities and totems. You claim that you were only running around flame shocking and that ability alone outdpsed and can out dps everybody else. So then we go back to the dps meters. The only characters doing less 4.7k was a rogue, who most likely died early on or just did rogue things.

Again, thank you for that.

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My bad didn’t mention the right part is lava burst not flame shock.
I’ll do another screen with flame shock damages.