BG's are all premades horde favored

Man, i wish those numbers where correct Ele’s must be topping the damage meters in ST.

Yes because sustain pve dps is the same as burst in pvp. Isnt it your other spec that is currently topping dps meters by a long margin?? You cant write this stuff

  1. Not you in 35 greens that’s for sure.
  2. You are assuming it’s hitting 5 targets every single time. It’s rare to hit all 5 targets beyond the initial BS clash and even that’s hard because most of the time you see the Shaman running up to the line.
  3. Read the tooltip on FS genius. It does the same damage over time as it hit for. So how are you getting 2k initial damage then 5k over time? You wanna math that for me? If a FS did 2K total damage on 5 targets then it would do another 2K damage over time.

Apparently, you are. LOL

The funny part on top all this is… He created a horde toon… Level up said horde toon and still doesnt know anything about the class. He is so blinded by the meta hate. Its unreal.

top caster and melee dps in ST. Oh no poor shamans!

need to make wind serpent lighting breath do what flame shock does.



Its rare to hit 5 targets, bro its not that hard.

Re read the tooltip bud, the dot ticks for more than the initial damage. And scales more with SP so will do more damage.

Currently hitting 400 flameshocks and they are ticking for 120 each every 3 seconds for 18 seconds. 6x120 is? More than 400 i think??

Lf4m AB queues

are you on penance? Im currently in a 1hr 10min queue… These BGs must be so fair and balanced

“Instantly sears the target with fire, causing 164 Fire damage immediately and 168 Fire damage over 12 sec.”

That’s a direct translation from the tooltip.

You’re an idiot. I’m done here.

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your gorilla math aint mathing bud.

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If his numbers where correct Blizzard should’ve nerf it almost immediately. LOL

Mine is saying causes 163 fire damage and 252 fire damage over 18 seconds. Maybe dif if you are logged on or something? Besides the tooltip the numbers i gave are what they are hitting for.

You mean the devs that abandoned all tuning once they released P3? The game is in such a healthy state!

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That statement doesnt make ur numbers correct. LOL

LOOK MAN they only had the time to make the most important change of p3:

making sure efflorescence doesn’t display “immune” on totems anymore

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1hour 20mins in an AB queue on AB weekend. Alliance have the higher population so surely i should be getting queues faster than this???

first grab 2 more eles, a boomie, and a priest. you will get faster queues this way to further cement horde supremacy, for it is the devs wishes for it to be so

I wonder what faction they play these days?

Just got in one, topped damage at initial BS skirmish with 50% of my damage being flameshock. Had a pally tickling me the whole time. I am currently in 80% greens. Only class that got close to me was hunter and spriest.