BG's are all premades horde favored

currently 40mins in queue. Why am i waiting so long in queue? Alliance have the population so surely my queue times would be short if everything was balanced?

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surely it must be MoP remix and Cata right guys?

Nah alliance just arent pvpers like us horde!!! Except in every other iteration of classic alliance had more competitive brackets :thinking:

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maybe stop queue’n up solo… what you dont have any friends? lol

only 10 50s online on my server, half of them are bots

You are right, instants don’t scale as much a full cast. However they still scale. You claiming your FS is hitting just as hard as mine when I have almost twice your SP is bs, and you know it.


On my server its still pop’n. =)

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none of my friends want to play because p3 is a dumpster fire RIP

My guild split in half with some going back to Era and other half Cata. I thought they will be back for p4. Unless its amazing… I will continue though. =)

i’m still playing friend :frowning: me, kekthar

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The dude is obviously lying. They think the initial hit (damage part) is multiped by x5 (spread part) LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

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Ookthar welcomed into alliance
Ookthar first orc cleric
Ookthar now best friend

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And he wasn’t in 35 greens either. Your point?

This right here is why they need to mute kids for long periods of time…

Flame shock puts out more dmg thatn feral/ret/rogue and mage

??? Is this kid serious? Are you slow I don’t need bad karma lol

How do you say things like this??? lol

dude…you don’t think it only hits 1 target with the initial earth shock-like hit, do you…???

do YOU think it hits the initial target for lets say 1k and on spread it hits x5 at 1k each? LOLOLOLOLOL please tell me you dont think that.

so im hitting player #1 for 400, it then spreads four more times totalling 2k damage.

what? no. it’s 5 instances of a spell going out if within range with it’s own chance to crit, I know they don’t all crit if one does.

so like 3 people might get hit for 450 and 2 might get crit for 700+

tell me any of those classes that can put out 2k damage instantly in 1 global and then 5k dot damage. All with 1 instant global

Wait till he finds out about elemental mastery. 4k - 5k damage instant cast with 1 global with 5k dot damage.

Super balanced and fair

Hour long queue time whats going on???