BG's are all premades horde favored

hands you a shovel

Keep on scooping my good man. Nobody is buying your bs, but keep on scooping.

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Ah yes the BS im concocting from playing both sides. If you dont feel shamans are overtuned because you main one, i dont know what to tell you.

im sitting in a BG queue at the moment, could be a while because BGs are flourishing with how balanced they are. Once i get in one ill report back

We do hate paladins just as much as you hate Shamans. Where does it say Paladins are Shaman counters? lol or your just saying that cuz they are exclusive to each faction?

dude get real if you don’t think even a fresh green toon isn’t gonna be top DPS in a BS skirm lmao from mainly FS spread but also CL. that kind of cleave isn’t going out from anyone else

exactly this, im not saying im getting the most KBs or being the most useful. But the pure damage i can put out while wearing “Of the falcon” greens shouldnt be doable.

I never once said shamans don’t need tuning. Not once. Feel free to quote me if you like. I am pointing out your bs claims of “I outdamage everybody in greens” and “I have more spell power in greens than most do fully geared.”

My alliance shadow priest has 380 spell damage and is not fully geared by the way. Just to refute another bs claim of yours.


How hard exactly do you think FS is hitting on a freshly lv50? C’mon now ur just throwing sh1t at the wall to see if it sticks. LOL

its currently an instant that hits, not crits for 2 - 2.5k. Then you add in the dot ontop of that. No class is putting out that much damage in 1 global.

Sorry ill rephrase that, no class should get a rune at lvl 23 that gives half as much spellpower as a bis caster.

Again…not in full greens. I will freely admit that my FS can hit for 500, but I am almost full BiS and have almost 400 spell damage, even more with procs.

You are not…I repeat are not hitting just as hard as I am in full greens.

Please just stop, you are looking desperate at this point.

I’m saying your faction class shouldn’t be miles above my faction class. you have better utility via totems, which is fine even though it’s comical that you have a few better versions of my class’s utility copy/pasted over but buffed for you. but having insane cleave pressure tilts it in your favor too much. I didn’t complain about ele before burn rune got buffed (which you have admitted is overpowered) and they gimped my damage (and everyone else’s, but rets and mages suffer the worst from this)

You realise its an instant so doesnt scale that much with SP? I am hitting 400-450 at the moment with 250 SP.

Hey there Mr. Goalpost, lemme just move you over here.

show me another class that gets a free 200 SP at level 23

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You are such a freaking liar. Im in BIS and I dont reach those numbers outside of Zerker in WSG.

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you don’t think dude is hitting 400 flame shocks? 400×5 is 2k

That is correct.

The vid of that shaman posted the other day is hitting 400-500 non crits. Its an instant that doesnt scale well with SP. The dot on the other hand…

you should screenshot DPS meter damage breakdown and post from next BS skirm