BG's are all premades horde favored

only caster that gets instant cast procs “But we can be shutdown easier than other casters in cloth!”

The karens will scream until wow is offline bud theres really no reason outside of entertainment to keep these kids crying. It will just be another class wrecking them that they will be crying about.

get on and show me how you “global” someone lol. I will let you open in a duel so its same as bg

keep hiding “GET ON WHITEMANE BRO” :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

I have a shaman who is very well geared, I know what they are capable of. I also know I didn’t out damage every other class while in greens. That’s a load of horse feces and you know it. Stop with exaggeration and false pretext of claiming to be a shaman main.


And heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere it is. So non bias of you

Pot meet kettle.

Zumey, is that you?

Go into a BG as ret, cast exorcism. Even if you are fully geared.

My shaman in greens who has more spellpower because of a rune will do more damage, and spread that to 4 others while doing a dot.

Ive played hunter / feral / ret / rogue and mage. Nothing puts out as much damage as just simply running around casting flameshock.

Im not saying ill be topping KBs while in greens (not enough players for incursions) But the damage / pressure i can put out is more than i could with fully geared casters.

I like how you edited that part of your post out. Nice back tracking

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? I added in a 2nd paragraph. You are sounding paranoid

You said you are out damaging everybody else in greens. Outdamaging…as in overall. You can’t compare single abilities. What you said was a straight up lie and exaggeration.

Again, Zumey is that you?

Ok let me do some math for you.

In lvl 35 boe greens with no spell power on them i can currently in 1 global HIT not crit 5 people infront of me for 400-500 each. Thats 2-2.5k damage in 1 global, with a dot. I then can wait for LB or CL procs.

This is more than i could ever do as any other class ive played in BGs. All i have to do is flameshock to do more damage than my team.

Again…you said out damaging as in overall and now you are comparing single abilities.

Also, post some screen shots or this is all anecdotal made up garbage.

I am out damaging people in full pvp gear though. My #1 damaging ability is flameshock. Im not saying im topping the KBs but the pressure / damage i am putting out is crazy. Again im running around in lvl 35 boe greens.

Who cares about Paladins? lol

Need something to even up BGs. Hour queues arent fun!

No…you aren’t. Not in full greens. Nobody is believing you champ. Even people who are advocating for shaman nerfs believe what you just typed. Making false exaggerated claims does not help your argument.

:drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face: gee I dunno, you cry about bubble on one hand and then dismiss them as a meme on the other hand. we are the alliance counterpart to your unique class so maybe your class shouldn’t be miles ahead of mine?

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So in a BS fight, i am at the top of damage. Its actually crazy. I cant wait to see what im doing in full pvp gear. Sure if i get focused its another story, but i just sit up the back. A class shouldnt get as much spell damage from a rune than most people have in full gear.

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