BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Hahaha here come the fact checkers!

I was wondering when this would happen. According to the GD, they are not allowed to have 2 sides to the story.

Full day of IRL Blizzard maintenance on Wednesday.

Looks like Bobby Kotick is taking charge of the situation:

Itā€™s a shame that it took the company stocks to drop for him to address the situation.

This is the most disgusting news Iā€™ve read in a long time.

Well maybe not the most, there is a lot of competition, but it is stupid beyond comprehension.

Lol yeah who cares? The op of that thread makes a funny comment about #nochanges and some slippery slope? Pretty sure we tumbled down that slope with the buff toy or same faction BGā€™s :joy:

Man people are really riled up about the whole /spit thing.

Personally I canā€™t recall the last time I used it.

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For any who were wondering why Bandit isnā€™t on your btag anymore, he didnā€™t remove you. He just got rid of his account.

Maybe not 100% related to battlegrounds, but Iā€™m watching the AWC in another tab and I couldnā€™t help but notice it only has a whopping 4,706 viewersā€¦ on Youtube (high traffic platform), on a Saturday, during ā€œcovidā€ :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

From what I remember the few AWC casts a few months back only managed to muster 8-9k viewers, so it seems like viewership is going down :eyes:

Out of curiosity I opened up a different tab just now and checked twitch for activity, Asmongold still holding strong at a very healthy 80.5k viewers with FF14ā€¦

To be fairā€¦ Covid is mostly doneā€¦ Virtually everything is open where am I.

Yeah I watched the last one and it was pretty good. Made me sad I didnā€™t really do any arenas.

Unfortunately wow is without a doubt low on subs right now. PvP and PvE. This 100% affects PvP. Regardless of how bad the systems are.

Yeah, I get the sense thatā€™s what is behind it.

Over on reddit Iā€™ve noticed an uptick in ā€œthis season feels so deadā€ topics/comments popping up lately.

And with 9.0 gear disparity being left as-is this patch I can see a sort of ā€œtrickle-downā€ effect to the more casual PvPers/BG players as they get burned out/tired of being stomped due to gear.

Itā€™s a trickle up effect. The health of the game absolutely depends on the health of the casual base and they have killed the casual base for pvp.

The rot starts at the bottom and works its way up.

There is a sequel coming out soon. Itā€™s called ā€œLockdown 2.ā€

  1. Imagine a person being upset enough to publically complain about being spit on in the game.

  2. Now imagine a person being upset enough to publically complain about not being able to spit on people in the game.

Which of these people has more issues than the other?

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This one:

If someone is letting random emotes from a random person in a video game affect their emotional or mental state then that is serious issues.

But someone being upset that they canā€™t spit on someone in game?

Thatā€™s justā€¦ strange. I spit on people who I think deserve it through their actions. Would I be upset if it was removed? No, I just donā€™t care enough about it one way or the other.

Iā€™d say both people have issues. Just different issues.

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Pretty sure the outrage is not because ā€œi canā€™t spit on people anymore!ā€, and more about the fact that Blizz is removing a harmless part of the game due to some whiners stunted emotional development causing them to be reluctant to buy store items. I think the part that really annoys people is that they know Blizz doesnā€™t give a single :poop: about those players feelings, itā€™s purely a revenue decision.

I personally am not upset about the removal, Iā€™ll just use a different emote. But I do think it is ridiculous to remove it at all.

Where I live we never had a lockdown. In fact weā€™re the only region in all of North America that never did.