BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Whatever emote the addons are changed to auto-emote cash shop boosters is going to get changed as well eventually, so choose wisely. :wink:

Itā€™s not about the ā€˜feelzā€™ itā€™s about the cash shop.

I feel very confident that blizz is not going to remove /rofl, /yawn, or /bored.
These all tilt people in BGs as much as /spit.

My province basically just stated itā€™s open season. Even if you have covid, no need to quarantine. Weird world. We got a high double Vax rate though. I think we will be fine. Even with the variants.

Both scenarios are dumb af. One side is easily triggered by an emote. The other is easily triggered because Blizzard is doing something as simple as removing an emote. Who flipping cares about it all.

Iā€™ll emote lol at people frequently. If Blizzard removed it Iā€™d be annoyed. Not annoyed enough to make a thread about it lol. Now boring systems on the other hand that actually affect my game play for example :rofl:

/lol is the superior emote because it gets tracked in the statistics tab

Youā€™re wannabe toxic if you donā€™t have at least a thousand /lol by now

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/yawn and /bored are probably safe, I think /rofl would get axed if used as an auto-emote on cash-shoppers.

A friend I was playing with on TBC didnā€™t know about the autospit thing but after he found out he bought the mount intentionally just to piss people off. :stuck_out_tongue:

Iā€™d likely do something similar and then go spam /mountspecial on people that spit on me.
Teasing people in general is fun, teasing angered idiots is funner.

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Where is that? Iā€™m jealous. And now my work is mandating these damn vaccines. Anyone else?

I live in British Columbia. We had various stages of restrictions of course, but never had an actual lockdown like the rest of North America.

As for your workplace mandating vaccines, that is technically illegal.

Nope. Itā€™s not illegal.

Thatā€™s what I thought too but they say private companies can do it. Not happy about this.

Not just private companies. The Department of Veterans Affairs is requiring its front-line health care workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Sorry to hear this. What a horrible position to be in if you donā€™t want the vaccination.

Which variant? Heh.

Praying that the vaccines remain effective against all of them.


People need to go to jail for this seriously.

TY. Gonna fight it or look for a new place to work.

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The ones telling others not to get vaccinated? I agree.

Nope the ones allowing a vaccine, which has killed thousands, to continue



At least in the US:

It is your right to refuse the vaccine.

It is any employerā€™s right to refuse to allow you to work there if you donā€™t get the vaccine.

It is your right to express your negative or positive opinion of the vaccines.

I donā€™t agree with Jugaa, Jugaa doesnā€™t agree with me (I happen to be right of course) but nobody goes to jail for any of this.