BG forums lounge (Part 1)

The quick queues revealed that a noticeable number of players were doing BGs in organized raids. This makes sense; the time it takes to form a premade is time well-invested for those players. But for the large number of players who choose to queue alone, there’s essentially no hope of winning the BG. There are a couple of ways we can try addressing this, and in this next test, we’d like to try restricting groups to a maximum of 5 players in all Battlegrounds.


I’m fairly sure that a not insignificant number of people went to play TBC because they could join BGs as full raids. :stuck_out_tongue:

I wonder why Blizzard didn’t test prioritizing matching raid premades against each other, especially if they can do same-faction games now.

Or maybe Blizzard already knows the premades would try to circumvent the system in various ways that would be detrimental to everyone else.

I don’t think they have the capability honestly.

If anyone gets this, please let us know if it’s fun.

Blizzard needs to clean house.

Power corrupts… People always have to abuse it. A historically male dominated industry so I wouldn’t doubt it’s all true, kinda just history repeating itself at this point. Not a fan of blizzards response either unfortunately.

“This topic is locked. You cannot post a reply.”
WoWhead knew the comments section would be a :poop: show.

Sad if true. I still think we should follow the innocent until proven guilty but it doesn’t look good. I have 3 daughters myself and I couldn’t imagine them growing up being huge fans of blizzard, pursue a programming career and then eventually land their dream job at blizzard to only be harassed and groped. Mad dad moment.

Section 48 of the lawsuit is horrible.

Thought that was very odd given the topic; people talking about this and shining light on what I’m sure happens more than we know is only a good thing.

At any rate, the claims in the lawsuit are very distressing and I hope that this leads to a thorough investigation and any and all claims taken seriously.

I also wasn’t a fan of Blizzard’s response.

Yea that’s extremely horrible. I’m still not sure why you quoted that part of my post though if you are agreeing/disagreeing with it.

Oh, I was agreeing. It doesn’t look good.


I dunno man… Normally in a one on one situation I’d agree with ya. This is kinda different though. It’s kinda just history repeating itself on male dominated industries being kinda disgusting. Also I don’t know if you say the clip of 2010 BlizzCon with Alex where a woman asked about female characters. It was kinda a dumb question but the answer was even dumber. Very much a bro culture and clearly not taking her seriously. Super trashy honestly. I think it was made by the Alex guy that queitly left but some of the other guys fist bumped over the dumb response.

Zero doubt in my mind that most of it is true at this point lol…

The kaelthas voice actor and swifty evidence all looked pretty bad too. I’m not saying blizz gets a free pass or anything. I’m just saying wait to cast full judgment on them until the evidence is fully laid out in court. Scummy business practices is one thing, this is another animal altogether.

Cancel culture is guilty until proven innocent.

Eh those are the 1v1s that I think needed more time and Blizzard just knee jerked to cover their buts. Kinda what I mentioned above.

With a big systemic problem like this virtually every case has been true. Then you have things like BlizzCon… Or them basically admitting in their statement that they tried to clean up their act when they came under investigation (too little too late). Or some of the main names in the legal document quitely leaving for no reason. Too sus man, too sus. I’m tired of the top, rich and powerful basically getting away with murder all the time (ie, epstien :joy:).

I can see both Jdpp and Nawat’s points. I agree with the innocent until proven guilty on an individual level but when it’s a corporation, history has shown that there isn’t normally smoke without fire. But we’ll see what happens as the investigation progresses.

I think what has been more surprising is some of the content over in the other forums. There was a poster who said that they were more disappointed with the delay in content rather than the allegations and I’m just like… what. People’s lives being impacted =/= your personal entertainment.


My one worry is that if the company loses money and they have to downsize and legit people lose their jobs. That sucks. I don’t think people should unsub over this. They just need to lay ok pressure and get things cleaned out.

The only issue is if things don’t get cleaned out and they try and blame it solely on people that quietly left. Then nothing happens. Then I might unsub. I dunno though. Tricky situation.

You don’t seem to understand that Blizzard understands nothing except money at this point. They don’t care about outrage, they don’t care about feelings. They care about pleasing their investors. End of story.
Staying subbed and being like “hey Bwizzard pwease do the right thing” does not work. This event will blow over in 2 weeks when everyones attention span moves to the next shiny thing to talk about, and Blizzard will face no consequences outside of whatever chump change fine California decides to give them.

People may lose jobs but that is not the fault of the players who are fed up with Blizzard. It is strictly the fault of poor leadership and accountability at Blizzard.

