BG forums lounge (Part 1)

I think it’s the exponential modifiers they have on abilities now from their systems bloat like conduits, legos, etc. That’s how Towellie described it and one of the devs said he was close (during bfa).

As long as it runs mythic raids then they don’t care.


I was running around on my Tiny Paladin last night, mining some ore to level jewel crafting, when I came across a blood elf.

And I tried to smite the abomination with my divine judgement and that’s when I remembered I was on a PvE server with that toon. :man_facepalming:


For anyone who really really misses WotLK:

If I couldn’t kill bloodelves, I would be a sad NE.

Squeek and I killed one in Blade’s Edge one night along with his 70 druid friend when we were level 64-65. We then got finished off by a 70 rogue and a 70 shammy who dropped out of the sky, but it was so worth it! Even their attempt to camp us (smeld ftw) afterwards couldn’t take away the pure enjoyment of watching that abomination die.


Breaking news!

“here we go again” :popcorn:

I like where they are pretending that this isn’t a forgone conclusion and are like “oh more testing lol”


Yeah, it’s a PR game now, but all they are really doing is prolonging the misery. Just do it already and stop giving the illusion that it’s “just a test”.



I’ve been watching asmongold play ashes of creation and I must say the game is looking pretty good. It’s very majestic. Wow has that majestic scenic views like being in icecrown and seeing icc in the distance, or a high spot in grizzly hills, nagrand, etc… ESO doesn’t have that majestic feel at all to me. Besides, a lot of what you see in eso you can’t even get to(mountain areas).

It’s possible aoc comes out late next year. They have two alphas and two betas. The betas are suppose to be very brief to prevent burnout. Having high hopes wow gets serious competition from this game to light a much needed fire under their butts.

Watching Steven, the lead gm, troll asmongold repeatedly was pretty awesome. It reminded me of when blizz interacted with players in character. I remember when a dev yoinked some cheaters in vanilla in a wsg for getting up on an unreachable spot in the alliance base.

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Was asmongold ok with it?

That would seem like a pretty bad thing if the person is just trying to play the game and a GM decides to troll them repeatedly.

Ashes Alpha one made the game look like a serious threat in the MMO genre, which is good. It came out looking cleaner than most people anticipated. Movement is fluid as everyone was saying.

Now with a bit of work on combat, it’s on the radar. Zones, mounts, systems all looked amazing.

Asmo was fine with the trolling, Steven and him have had prior contact and had a podcast the day before. Steven was smart to do these things with Asmo because it only boosted the games presence.

I’m hyped for it and so is everyone else at this point seeing how TBC is already more dead than 9.1, and that’s not even because Blizzard’s decision with the game, it’s just old and boring and no where near as large as Classic was.

Oh yea it was hilarious. He flew high above asmon on a flying mount and would put random messages on asmon’s screen. Some were jokes and some were to help him progress through something like finding the mayor’s table in a crowded house.

Steven created a guild called “Bald” and invited asmon to it. After he accepted the guild invite steven wrote on his screen “got eeeem.”

Another occasion Steven creates a guild called copium and declares a guild war on asmon’s bald guild in order to flag him pvp and kill him. But there were some bugs with combat in water so Steven types on his screen “ur so lucky”

It was all in fun and honestly just showcased a dev that really cared. Look at the comments on their youtube vids and you see a dev that knows how to interact with the community.

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Isn’t it a little early to say 9.1 is dead? It just came out lol

I’m wondering what they’ll do for 9.1.5, and if they’ll “rush” 9.2 once people have gobbled up the 9.1 stuff and start complaining again.

This week should be entertaining with the RWF at least.

nah 9.1 aint dead, i mean bc is dead already.

Agreed. The combat just feels slow, clunky and stale to me.

I doubt I’m going to move on to another MMO.

I’m finding that gaming in general is taking up less of my time and interest these days.

I’ve joked about it for a while, but it seems like my inner child is finally catching up to my actual age :rofl:


I’ve decided I’m sitting out this patch and am on borrowed time. I’ll see what the next patch offers, whenever that releases, but overall pretty disappointed in the state of the game.

I’ve played maybe 2 hours of 9.1 but it was enough to get a general idea. Great if you like raiding and perhaps M+, not so much if you prefer PvP. Korthia is a watered-down version of the Timeless Isle with a few chores, and I didn’t bother trying the completely unnecessary changes to Torghast or the single new dungeon. This “major content patch” really feels like a seasonal reset rather than new stuff.

My favourite game mode, Epic Battlegrounds (with perhaps the exception of Ashran, bizarrely), are in a pretty piss poor state and it was disheartening to not see any further iteration on Wintergrasp, Alterac Valley or Isle of Conquest. I’m not waiting 2 years for basic tweaks to make them enjoyable/playable.

Battlegrounds have been so messed up by the gearing process that I’m not even enjoying those anymore. It’s not fun being able to accurately predict the outcome of the match 95% of the time before the gates even open just by seeing who has more geared folk.

Yeah, right now there are enough things battling for my attention between adulting and other entertainment outlets that WoW doesn’t seem to be providing the same release it used to. :man_shrugging:


Never… Lol I just play games for fun though. For the longest time I could log in and PvP. As soon as I have to log in and do a chore I’m out. I’ll be sticking to other games and sports forever lol

I have to say though, right now the world opening up is awesome. Went on a 4 day hike with some friends in a different province. Was great. Might be hitting up europe in September if I can get the time off approved. Everyone is asking for time now :joy:

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It’s intriguing how much effort is being put into making changes to BGs in the classic version of the game.