BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Craziness… Lol I do wish for dual spec… Still better than locked covenants though :rofl:

Haha fair! To be fair I haven’t been playing too much either. World opening up and all. Took a week vacation of my 7 saved weeks :flushed: when my boss told me to get out or he’d pick the days for me I quickly got out lol

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I can’t even access the store on their website to buy the game. Tried 3 different browsers, just gives a blank screen lol.

That looks interesting and somehow I’ve never heard of it.

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I think they’re currently experiencing MMO launch day woes.


I randomly saw it today and was like… What do you mean someone launched a new game that revolves around siege MMO PvP?!

How did I not hear about this game at all?!

A new MMO game launching on the same day that the biggest MMO in the world launches it’s new season patch.
Bold move. Whenever their store/site works I’ll probably buy it to try during RBG downtime.

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Familiar? Not really… I remember hearing about it ages ago, I believe they were crowd funding? I was definitely interested in the PvP focus but didn’t really follow it.

I might have to check it out and see.

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Sorry, I haven’t been following FFXIV news.


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Someone playing it for 50 minutes. Looks like the making of the game was started in 2003 and no updating graphics wise and movement wise since. It has humans, dwarves, elves and tauren looking characters among others.

But hamsters instead of gnomes <-----------BIG FAIL!

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I was invited to the beta but never bothered logging in.

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Well, if there are massive PvP battles, they’d have to keep the graphics on the simpler side so the game can run smoothly.

I don’t know anything about this game though.

I wonder if it handles 40v40 battles. Or maybe more?

Watched a bit of this on youtube yesterday evening and it seems like its a bit too focused on large scale pvp for my interest. The visuals and all look good to me. I kinda prefer the more cartoony artstyle vs realistic since it ages better. But like eso, large scale pvp is only fun for a little bit and then becomes annoying with two murderballs standing just out of range of each other taunting and waiting for the other side to overstep.

Oh, kinda like TM vs SS?

I’m not really a fan of that. It gets boring quickly.

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The vids I watched portrayed it as a large portion of the game as that’s where resources and stuff comes from to craft your gear.

It’s a pretty cool concept though. One vid I watched said if you want small scale pvp you can find it but the larger the battles the more resources you get. I’m going to be watching it though and hopefully this gets some good updates and can turn into something unique.

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Yeah, I feel that MMO PvP can be so much more than what we have in WoW. After all these years, we’re still mostly limited to 40 vs. 40.

We haven’t gotten a true MMO PvP experience with ginormous armies on both sides (and the instance not lagging horribly, e.g. Nazjatar).

Of course, I also want more depth to the combat than two giant deathballs nuking each other and seeing which deathball has more ranged AOE dps.



It’s less than this now and it keeps getting worse lol. Probably around 20v20 now rofl. You look at and experience wow’s lagfest and then watch ashes of creation doing 100v100 with no problems and it makes you really scratch your head.

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My gut feeling is the wow large scale lag is the result of trying to keep the game accessible to low level machines. (Plus 16 years of Spagetti code on top of a 2004 Game Engine)

I have zero proof of that it’s just a feeling.

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I think the WoW lag comes from the game being optimized for PvE raids that only involve like 25 to 40 players max.

If they designed this game for 1000 vs. 1000 PvP combat, they’d create graphics and spells much more differently. For example, spells wouldn’t require an exponential amount of calculations as more players enter the same area.

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