BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Lock is hitting like a damn truck right now. I’m in mostly tier 1 and ZG gear with a few even weaker pieces and I dotted up some warrior last night AV as he ran off for whatever reason. I kept him on target and watched him die alone and so far away from me it didn’t register as an hk. A rogue looks at me and I’m dead but if I dot him up first he dead too.

I almost wish I kept playing her so I too could be god tier this prepatch :stuck_out_tongue:

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Excuse me I LIKE filling my action bars with auto attack

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I like the excitement when I hit the auto attack button a few extra times and then I’m not sure if I accidentally turned it off or not.


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Well well well


Finally blizz hits the ball instead of swinging and missing.

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Kinda… twisted for blizz to force people to AFK in BGs and then ban them for it.


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Blizz didn’t really force them to though. The idea everyone needs to be in full r14 gear in prepatch was a player driven one and doesn’t match what went down in the og tbc prepatch. These people getting all bent out of shape for having to get full purples for only 3-4 levels of tbc are whack jobs imo lol.

Also imagine being someone who farmed r14 and got your cool set of gear to then only have your accomplishment diminished by blizz handing out your gear like candy to someone who bought a boost and afk’d naked in the starting gates.

Oh I get what you’re saying, I was just poking fun at this.



Looks at author…


Yep, talk about short-sighted.

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  1. Advocates for AFKing in BGs
  2. Is in a guild called “Serious PvP”

Checks out.


So what’s up, bg loungers?

I’ve been preoccupied leveling my shammy and farming honor waiting for TBC. Just wanna say, leveling without rested xp SUCKS!


Nearly 48 on the main Pally.

Should hit max level sometime near October at this rate. :rofl:


People excited for the dark portal opening??

I can’t pick a class so I’m just leveling up random toons until the teens to then neglect…

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Any questions?


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Especially now since I just had a couple of friends reroll to the best classic server so I’ll be doing more baby Pally mixed in.

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We’ll have a race to see who is the slowest to reach level 70. My money is on me!

Squeek and I did a few quests on our 60s to turn in as soon as the portal opens 'cause we are gonna need a jump start.

My chosen main for TBC is currently level 15.



I saw some random toon in stormwind the other day with an anime name and I thought “Is that Holycow” and then thought, nah, there no way Holycow choose a name based off Kirito.

Did you?

Anyway, portal opens today, y’all have fun fight horde and pigs and feel reavers I’m gonna play with dinosaurs in Un’goro

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Nah. I’m putting off leveling on Grobbulus for a bit. Going to see how active the forum guild is before I spend a lot of time and effort leveling a toon.