BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Pretty sure the forum people are spread out guild wise. Heck Jd is in a blackballed guild. He has to use a side entrance into dungeons cuz the rest of us can’t be seen with him.



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I left it!!! I had two alliance spit on me waiting on the boat in Wetlands and they called me a traitor lol.

I’d start us a guild but my playtime for the next bit will be too spotty. If someone else would like to throw something together though I’d join up and help all I could. There seems to be enough of us to get something going.


Goof troop?


Blizz let me reverse my boost afterall.

Looks like I’ll be a human mage.

What percent of the playerbase would you guys guess are playing tbc vs shadowlands? 50/50?

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I think we had double digit layers on Grobbulus last night.



It’s extremely peaceful in tanaris and hinterlands right now I know that. Kinda perfect timing to be a week behind the rush.


I had a couple of friends join the server for the fun and am currently leveling with them, but they should catch up soon.

We saw no one in Westfall. At all. Besides the 4 of us


The mob density in loch modan was rough solo.

One trogg becomes 4 troggs…

I saw one rogue in lock modan - ran into him again in storm wind which was easy to notice since we were the only people in the dwarven district!!


Things were pretty calm in Hellfire until we got to Zeth’Gor. Sitting there in smeld, afk and came back to 3 horde stabbing me in the back and Squeek’s corpse in front of me. It was on! 15-20 hks and a couple of deaths later, we moved on.

I guess dungeon leveling is the fastest way, but all of our friends are in Tanaris and Hinterlands. :wink:

Our 60s ran out of rested xp a few bars in. What a disappointment.

I’m not a guild leader, but will help anyone who is brave enough to do this.

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A quick glimpse of Jadei as she’s getting stabbed in the back…

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Ask Squeek how long it took her for her first encounter with a Fel Reaver.

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Btw, you gon lose this, since I’ve basically started over with baby Pally until we reach mid 40s then I can swap back to main Pally.

I ain’t never hitting 70 :rofl:

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Joker got his mage to 70 last night and someone said in trade last night about an hour into launch, that a horde rogue on Whitemane was 70. Hardcore.

We are going to level both of our 60s. Level one while the other gets rested and then switch so we’ll be awhile getting either to 70. :turtle:

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12 minutes. It made no sound. The ground didn’t shake. I swear!! Fel Reaver gone rogue man, literally. It’s just suddenly there!


Closer to 90/10 (but prob not that either) TBC has got the hype, SL got the disappointment.

Those sneaky 20-story buildings!
