BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Last night, we got 1 honor per kill, even if it was the first kill (after honor nerf). The math doesn’t seem right to me either. If it’s right, the honor gear is expensive, even at level 70.

I went Prot a while back because I could never find a tank when I was holy, and now there’s Prot Paladins everywhere and I have no healing gear…

Guess it’s time to hit the AH and find some of the eagle or if the owl gear.

Maybe the wife can tailor me some spiffy threads…

Dress time!

Dual spec is the one quality of life change I legitimately miss.


Would kill for dual spec. Which is why I also hate covenant locks lol…

Holy hell though, boosters are going nuts in classic right now :joy: lfg channel is mage spam looking for people to boost. I get it’s faster but God that’s a boring way to level

My thoughts I can’t express. Rhymes with duck hit but that’s the only clue I’m giving.

lvled shammy some this morning. Now lvl 9! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

edit: the honor per kill is now 3-5. big whoop. I just need 7 marks and 2k honor and I’m not gonna bother anymore

Please be good.


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Well, I disagree with that. It’s usually easy to see when mistakes or design decisions are made in good faith and when they are intentional bad faith design decisions.

Of course, the abuse should be verbal only.

They heard us!


It’s interesting that they are hearing TBC feedback on pvp issues. I wonder what TBC doesn’t have that SL does.

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One obvious would be Ion and co.


Meanwhile I’m going from BiS geared Warlock which sucks in classic, to Boomkin for BC, which kinda sucks.

I too am a sucker for big numbers, but I’m also a sucker for avoiding FOTM classes :frowning:

If I keep doing BGs in this prepatch I’m not sure if I can stick to my plan though. Destro lock is too fun. Backlash + Shadowfury makes farming these boosted players so fun.

I’m just gonna keep playing my Paladin.

Since Prot is so stronk, and every single Paladin in guild claims their maining Prot, I’m just gonna heal, even if Hpal is objectively the weakest healer in TBCc. I’ll make it work.

Hpally is really fun though, I love a high crit healer.

That and PVPing as a healer with high armor is my preference as well. I love tanking while healing. Hpally utility really is unparalleled in battlegrounds, which I prefer over arena.

These players disgust me. I got into a game with a 14 man premade who never left Trollbane Hall. I hope they all get suspended.

Players are so paranoid about afkers anymore that I’ve been accused of afking more than once for smeld defending in AB.

I Hope you /waved at Abomb.

In other news I started a second Paladin so I can have a Prot and holy Paladin without having to repec constantly :rofl:


Like my dad always taught me: You can’t lose or fail if you don’t even try.

A great man. It has led me to an uneventful life of never losing.

But but … he was forced to afk.

Back in the day, one of my besties had two pallies, one holy and one ret because gearing and respec’ing was a thing. I thought about leveling another priest, a dwarf. Then I remembered how painful it was leveling the first priest. SW:P and wanding mobs to death cause oom. :joy:

I started leveling a priest last night and oh god ooming with smite at level 3…

So we were chatting about warlocks or something in disc and I made this dude and my god why would anyone level anything else!!??

Rogue was horrifically slow, but this dude is fast af.

Plus thanks to all of my toons being mining/engi I could level up easy for the fly shadow goggles and look damned good killing hogger at level 10.


Lock power :fist: :fist: :fist: