BG forums lounge (Part 1)

not really RNG in SL outside raiding. legendaries are near 100% drop, no titanforging, bonus rolling. hardest rng would be raiding loot and conduits from cache, but even then they’re purchasable through conq vendor for the pvp ones, and targetable in raid.

but ye, SL has no power player grind. anima is optional, it’s all cosmetic. my hunter is like lvl 29 renown and 2500 rated, and if i wanted to get my renown up i’d just get free levels given to me from the catch up. it’s such an easy expansion with no grind to chase.

9.1 seems pretty progressed on the PTR, it’ll be dropping after BC, and BC is slated to be in June, I think they’ll spread them weeks apart as they don’t want to schedule. The dungeon has textures, just not tested yet, most blizz builds on the ptr are weeks behind their internal.

Torghast was very good content until they obliterated it by nerfing it because everyone was complaining. The changes I’ve seen just make it seem like a speed run now and that’s not fun, but I like the cosmetic reward for going into the vaults.
9.1 will suffice if it actually follows a proper release cycle for 9.2, so i’m hoping 90 or so days later, 9.2 releases, but likely not. It can’t go on for too long.

SL is/has been a really good expansion for launch content, and ruined by America’s idiotic population for spreading the virus at such a rapid rate. If corona didn’t exist, SL would’ve held the momentum it had for the first few months, now the launch patch has overstayed its welcome.

sorry american friends, y’all really are dumb with how you handled covid.

It’s a me problem as well. Also a discord of about 60 players that only 2-3 still play. I guess its a me problem for those 57 people that quit too. Rofl… Maybe Americans can figure out a game is crap long before our Aussie friends can.


When your mom makes you sell your entire WoW: TCG collection…


I just remember how I treated some of my old magic cards and how much money they’re worth now, and how much the could be worth if i had known what the game would turn into.

I think I’ve lost an entire college education for my kids just by not playing with sleeves for the longest time. :rofl:


I think I saw this in Calvin and Hobbes, but card collection is basically a competition to see whose mom throws out their cards first (or last…).


My mom lost…

I feel the same way about the pokemon cards I had stashed in my bedroom back home. I don’t even know if they are around anymore but they were from the OG set. I dont think I had any foils but some of them might have been worth something now.

lmao, you guys are just what they’d call boomer gamers? be real with yourself, who the heck finds SL systems overwhelming or remotely complex. they’re spoon fed systems, please go play a real game with system depth like poe, tarkov etc.

the bunch of friends and yourself struggled to clear heroic, and struggled to hit 1800.

while you slaved away ‘grinding’ as you wrote, I was playing other games. sorry you’ve got to bash your head against the wall to clear the simplistic things :man_shrugging:

hopefully what I wrote isn’t too overwhelming for you :joy::cowboy_hat_face:

I think you were trying to insult me but you made yourself look very petty. I hope you can find happiness.


Yes. Yes that’s me!

Now spit on me and tell me I’m scum.


I’d say they are too rigid moreso than complex. I mean, I’d like to play around with enhancement and elemental shaman but the only viable way to really do that and play the best covenant is to level up two shaman.

That’s dumb.

I’d also like to have a night fae fury warrior and an venthry arms warrior. But, I’d need two warriors. Dumb.

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Some people pay good money for this. Don’t give it to him for free.

Way to ruin it Oozo.

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Ignore Oozo, he’s not even doing this properly. Forum etiquette dictates that Oozo buy a boost and then name change before insulting others on the forum.

Alternatively, he could leveled a Classic character to level 10 and then hidden his profile. He didn’t even make an effort. Truly sad. Low effort in game, low effort on forum.

I’m glad on my other account.

I’m glad I never bought Shadowlands. :dancer:

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Just to clarify as I didn’t expect my comment about missing when the hardest choice was 3% fireball damage or 5% crit to all spells to eventually devolve into hostility, I was very much using the word “overwhelming” in the sense of “too much” rather than “complex”… they aren’t hard systems.

Venturebeat’s review said it best and sums up how I felt, IMO:

Unfortunately, that beautiful simplicity vanishes at maximum level. Characters have a singular choice when they finish Shadowlands’ storyline: They must select a Covenant, one of the four associated with the zones they ran earlier.

If that sounds like a ton riding on a single decision, you’re right. At that point, you’ve seen the storyline and aesthetic of each Covenant and played around with the special abilities of each. That’s all you have to go on when making your selection, and it’s not enough.

If you’re a healing shaman and think angels are awesome, too bad; Necrolords offer the best dungeon and raid healing options, but you have no way for you to know that in game. If you’re a hunter and choose those same angelic Kyrians, you’ll lose approximately 10% of your overall damage as compared to your Night Fae friends, even though Kyrians have the second-best setup for hunters overall. Heaven (heh) help you if you chose Venthyr or Necrolords because you like vampires or skulls.

Even if you chose correctly, other imbalances between the covenants exist.


Strange. I’ve run Da Other Side four times on my DH alt and haven’t had the legendary drop. I must be bugged.

edit: five times now, no memory

I was at a bus stop and I actually laughed out loud when I read this. I got a few weird looks from others :joy:


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