BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Where have you been and why aren’t you on meh btag anymore?!

<3 Gooby.

I used to love doing this, but it’s virtually impossible now because all the starting zones are sharded and have cross-realm enabled so you can’t even trade the few people you do see unless they’re on the same server.

I was reading an interesting post the other day someone shared. The gist was WoW has become so “rush rush” that there isn’t time to do all that nice stuff - talking to people, trading, buffing. People are so focused on completing their chores to min/max that the social element of the game has largely been lost.

It’s better in classic, which really does show it’s a design problem rather than a community one.


I’m extremely guilty of this. The older I get, the less time I have to play it seems so I preplan my evenings before I even log on to maximize efficiency on getting my chore list done so by the end of the week I can hopefully get everything required done with a little extra time to do the things I actually want to do in the game.

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Yeah this infinite grind Blizzard introduced to try and keep people subbed kinda messed it up. I actually like the feeling when I “completed” my character every season tbc-wod. The most fun I’ve ever had in this game was in wod at the end of long seasons. My server would start doing these massive to wpvp campaigns that were so much fun.

Some of it is on the players though. They asked for the design by unsubbing in luls because there’s “nothing” to do. Still I don’t think they keep many subs with their infinite grinds and it just makes the game more unfun.

I think people quitting because of nothing to do is more of a temporary thing until blizz adds more content for them vs people quitting due to being burned out.

Lol yeah that sounds about right to me… I kinda wish they would ditch all the “systems” and just do more frequent content. Aka faster patches with new raids, new seasons and new dungeons. Even for m+ it gets boring to do the same dungeons for two years straight, even if some of the affixes are decent.

So every patch have 5 new dungeons, new 6-7 boss raid and a new PvP season. I know art wise and boss mechanics wise that’s a big jump… But still I’m sure covenants, the maw and torghast were not small feats either. I also could care less about covenants or the maw lol… Torghast is okay but not worth the dev time put in I’m sure.

Don’t think we will ever go back though sadly.

Honestly, I wish they would stop trying to reinvent the wheel for each expansion. I’ve been playing a really long time and Shadowlands was really overwhelming for me. It made me really miss the days where the toughest choice was “3% more crit for all fire spells” or “5% more damage to fireball”.

I also think they’ve really dropped the ball with how long it has taken to get content out after release, even with the pandemic factored in.

If it was me, the next patch would have released a month after the end of the existing covenant campaign. That’s really when the content “ran out”, at least for me. I’m not sure what others feel.



Yeah, kind of makes you (me) feel bad for arguing about trivial crap in an online game.

Classic truly feels like a completely different game set in the same universe.


if sl systems were overwhelming then I think that’s on you being nor really game adaptable. sl has quite really simple systems.

and yes the content taking this long to come out is ridic. but I don’t know what it’s like to develop an entire patch from home. I’ve seen other game studios delay their things too. it’s quite unfortunate being stuck in this patch for so long. I’ve gotten two toons 228, hero, glad etc, never in my life have I played a game without an update for 100 days plus, I barely can play warzone for 50 days without needing an update.

Maybe, but I don’t think so… all the other expansions didn’t leave me feeling like there was so much that I could do that was wrong. I look back now and realize they are simple, but going into it:

  • Covenants, which one do I pick? Do I go for what I want to play, what looks best, what has the coolest rewards or do I go for what is actually the best for my class? My disc priest had one choice, and it’s not the one I wanted to play. Similar stories for this druid, my warrior, and my rogue.
  • What on earth is a conduit and a soul bind, and again, do I pick what I think sounds fun, or do I go for what is optimal?
  • What purpose does the command table serve?
  • Why do I need to do Torghast so many times and how can I earn more soul ashes?
  • What is an anima conductor / ?
  • How do I get my legendary?

and so on… there was a lot to take in and having to weigh up between personal and optimal choice wasn’t a great experience for me.

I’m very sympathetic to us being in a pandemic, but it still leaves a negative taste in my mouth. If this was a Small Indie Company I could understand, but it’s a multi-billion dollar corporation when other smaller studios (and indeed other industries) all managed to adapt much better.

It’s made even worse when you take a look at the PTR and see how far they are into the development of it (it’s very, very early days) and the content on offer: we’re looking at a new zone smaller than Nazjatar which currently has a few daily quests and mobs to kill, we’re getting a single dungeon and raid, some annoying Torghast rubbish (that you get to make less annoying through their ridiculous progression system) and more covenant levels. :pleading_face::pleading_face:


Yup, the pride I feel wearing this around and getting whispers daily far exceeds any pride I ever felt transmogging in Retail.

Sucks for those who can’t get over the leveling hurdle.

Uhhhhh what? Lol I had to do a ton of reading to figure out what was going on with conduits, soul ash, legendary recipes, soul binds, renown grind socket farming. Like compared to BFA it’s not too complicated sure… Compared to pvping tbc-wod it’s convoluted as heck.


Speaking of complicated, 3:30 pm server time and my rank still hasn’t updated. Did I get rank 12 or not? Stop teasing me, Blizz. Update my rank!


The suspense.

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Finally! Only took 15 hours to update my rank.



Covenants were introduced in every lvling zone giving you the ability to suss out which abil suits you better, I didn’t do any research and chose what appeared better during lvling, which is pretty much what most people did? It was a free change right after. They also let you test the abils on the dummies in orbios without limit to let you sus it out. You don’t need to be the best covenant to perform.

This is not overwhelming, especially when you can change instantly.

How could this be considered overwhelming when you are shown during the quests, they give you example conduits/binds, you suss them out. They’re glyphs, and interchangeable with conduit energy which is given free… Fun/Optimal has always been a choice in WoW, except with this you can just swap in and out as you please?

Not overwhelming.

?? I don’t know what to say, blizzard said what it was for before the expansion released, and sure if you didn’t do no research on it at all, you’d still be able to tell it’s the same thing from all the other expansions. Rewards a currency and quests. It quite literally shows you the reward of every mission, it’s not something overwhelming? It’s painted clear.

Friend, you highlight the layer and it shows you how much soul ash you get. It’s quite simple, before you even enter they tell you that soul ash is used to craft equipment. They also tell you how to get a legendary lmao. “Can be found on AH.”

Once again, the tooltips tell you what these things do?

I’m sorry Bynir, but if anyone finds SL systems confusing then you’re just not game adaptable. Look at games like Escape From Tarkov, Path Of Exile, League Of Legends etc have much harder systems and complicity to it. WoW systems are hand held.

I don’t know what other bigger games adapted. Amazon delayed their MMO because of it, Warzone released a reskinned map instead of new exciting stuff, entertainment issues have been quite slow to adapt. I find it inexcusable at this point, but I’m not a game developer so idk.

I don’t know what you mean about the patch content, there’s a fair chunk for a 9.1. Usually every .1 patch is a Raid/Dungeon, that’s it.
9.1 is raid/dungeon/zone/torghast redone (probably bad)/mythic plus scoring system/new rewards.

For a first patch, it’s rather big, it’s just taken too long to come out that it appears small. 9.2 is also said to be a very big patch which they usually are, so if they’re on track to release that in a timely manner, then it’s good.

I’m happy to be told it was a me problem. That’s how I felt, and if after over a decade of playing I felt like that, I can only imagine what new players felt. There are systems upon systems, layered with RNG. My playtime drastically improved when I stopped caring about the sanctum and realized I didn’t need to do the command table, the ember court, the anima conductor, and the teleport system.

Like I said I look back now and think it’s a breeze, but at the time when everything was new I did struggle. I know some of the people I talk to also felt the same way :man_shrugging:

You’re probably right about it taking such a long time it seems small. Certainly, in comparison to other .1 patches there is a reasonable “amount” of content (though I question if anyone actually wanted a torment and scoring system for Torghast…) but my point was really that it’s still in such an early design that I think we’re still at least two months away from a reasonable launch.

The last time I checked the PTR, the new zone had 4 daily quests, the dungeon was still non-existent (no textures or physical access point), raid testing hasn’t really happened due to builds being unstable, Torghast’s implementation goes against what Ion was saying in his media tour (lawyer-speak, perhaps?) and several classes/covenants remain to be iterated on/given legendaries/fixed (several quests and progressions are currently NYI) etc. etc.

It would not surprise me for us to have been in 9.0 for 8-9 months (depressing thought!), and 9.1 doesn’t seem to make up for that for us to then play that patch for another X months.