BG forums lounge (Part 1)

Kinda what asmongold said… they created a solution to a problem they created. Or something like that

What’s a problem solver without problems to solve? Self-interest.

Okay dude, we get it. You’re better at world of warcraft than we are. Congratulations.

oh Bob you are acting like that child Bandit.

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not trying to insult you, you only feel that way because it’s the truth.
gaming isn’t real life, people can be bad, average or good at games and it doesn’t matter.
i hope you find yours because you’ve been on these forums for years complaining about the game. like you were angry a couple months back with your experience. getting angry at an expansion that pvpers have the best gear in the game for free, whilst you stated you were “grinding”.

i will always go at anyone who’s full of it. so :relaxed:

& no Tsaga, I’m pretty sure you’ve admitted to trying to push for your goals and being new to rbgs, I can’t trash on anyone that jumped into something unfamiliar.

Lol the irony of someone saying this about the previous post with the way it was worded and then following it up with this…

You might need a mirror there bud. I’ve never seen someone more full of it.

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Is this job security?


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if someone thinks getting called not game adaptable or rating/heroic comments insulting, then they should get off the internet. it’s just the truth.

okay buddy, y’all forum post more than you play the game. im fine with the mirror thanks! :grin:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Toughguybob coming in hot looool

There’s always that one guy that flexes down at everyone. Kinda like that fading guy. Hey Bob let us know your bench and your ig where you make your money and post workout vids while getting 2500. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


But, Jd, Bob said “no offense” and “with all due respect”…

Toughguy full of tough. Many toughs.

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Maybe if you didn’t follow it up with so many terms of endearment I’d believe ya :joy:

Except he couldn’t even muster that much in the og post :joy:

Yeah most people are. Pretty rare to find someone who will take an actual hard look.

When I take a hard look in the mirror all I see is truth and it is beautiful.


i’m a clear rig, fading is hard trash. there’s only one tough guy on this forums, and it’s me.

i do take a hard look when i flex my biceps.

Guys, mirroring is against the ToS, you need to stop using those mirrors now…

Once when I was a child around 9, I looked into a mirror expecting to see a reflection of what I was at that moment but instead it showed me what I dreamed to become. Tall, thin. I knew in that moment what the mirror was telling me. That I was going to grow up to be a world famous supermodel. Rich, famous, glamorous!

Then this funhouse clown said: “Move along kid” and with those words, my dreams faded away. Only to be replaced by the nightmare image that haunts me to this very day by the very next mirror.

All this flex and I find it odd that not a single one of you (looking at you, Jd) told me how amazing I am. I’m a mother luvin’ rank 12!! That’s surely a sign of greatness. :muscle:



In my defense, I liked your previous post. I was awestruck by your rank 12 greatness and I felt unworthy to speak any words to you.


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My friend could only ever get to 11, the guy is clearly scrub :joy: Gratz!

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I dm’d you hours ago saying congrats!!!