BG forums lounge (Part 1)

I got lucky, the two I most want (BiS AoE and single target) drop from a world event and Torghast.

The right wing hasn’t opened yet for my ST one. :frowning: At least the difference is pretty small

Why doesn’t Blizzard move the recipe to the last boss?

That’s what they did for LFR mount drops when they finally realized why half the players in LFR raids would leave after the second boss.

That’s probably the e next step.

Shadowlands is the fastest-selling PC game of all time at 3.7m units sold as of day 1.

Diablo 3, at 3.5m, is now the second highest-selling PC Game of all time.

WoW subs & engagement at their highest in the last decade (So, post Wrath of the Lich King).

big for the IP. very big.

Wonder how much of that is due to covid though.

Either way it’s a good statistic lol. I’d hate to see my fav game die out. I just hope blizz doesn’t drop the ball.

I wouldn’t mind to be honest.

I figure if wow dies they would bring back warcraft and make warcraft 4. Either way it’s a win win for me

yeah good statistic either way.

i did call it happening cause of covid, but also SL hype was real.

post wrath sub numbers were 12 million btw.

I’m that. I came back because I had nothing to do lol.

Actually ended up enjoying my time, and am glad I bought shadowlands. Was on the fence for a while.

Welcome back.

Personally I would love it a lot more if they reworked ret paladins rather than pull the old " give rets burst, then nerf it later". we are still strong but the play style is just atrocious.

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If wow dies then there’s a good chance the franchise is over. You wouldn’t get a wc4

I have never been able to get into Ret. I wish they could make a build That engaged me

Sparkle Paladin has always leveled in Prot or Holy.

I tried Ret when leveling him to max at the end of BfA, and had to go back to Prot which felt like a better DPS spec than Ret, with the added bonus of being apparently unkillable.

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Well keep in mind mmorpgs have become highly competitive, they may just not see it being worthwhile to maintain warcraft as a mmo.

The most popular RTS in esports on the other hand is still starcraft 2. Blizzard has always been the kings of rts games, so it could be very likely they go back to their roots to grab some cash.

Yeah we had a good build back in WOD, but for some reason they scrapped it and went back to “immobile, hard hitting, and tanky”. It’s generally a frustrating playstyle when you are rp walking for 30 minutes every bg.

I killed a raid boss and got some raid gear tonight.

I am now prepared to dominate all BGs that I enter.



I’m settling into SL pretty well so far. My initial fears about keeping up with all the borrowed power stuff have mostly calmed down now that I have a better understanding of what is what.

I’m mostly enjoying the story so far - my biggest gripe, and has been for a while, is that we have to straddle this idea of being both the singular source character for the narrative while also being part of a group effort. Personally I’d rather see the story go back to being more focused on recognizing that we are a collective not just THE champion.

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Week 1 of season nearly ending and can say this easily best exp in a very very long time.

We’re passed the 2 week honeymoon phase so yeah, feelsgood.

Resurrecting this thread to make a small plea:

If any of you have a few seconds to head over to the general discussion forum to post and/or like this thread about the terrible state AV is in, I’d love you more than I do now. They don’t read these forums.

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Glad to see they listened to the mountains of feedback they received regarding AV.

It’s all about Twitter…

Riot is making a MMO.

With Ghostcrawler no less…

Remember when Ghostcrawler recently started playing WoW again and he commented about various aspects of the current game? I guess this was why…