BG forums lounge (Part 1)

I think questing in recent wow expansions has been pretty good across wow expansions I even enjoyed bfa questing although I never did the horde zones. Generally I would say shadowlands meets my expansions in quality for the questing experience although like I said earlier I generally enjoy the majority of wow leveling zones.

Free character transfers:

PvP has been quite fun so far.

Damage seems a tad high, but as higher gear becomes available that may even out with more stamina.

Epic NPCs need some love. Poor things just get deleted.

The Alliance storyline and quests were far superior to the Horde story in BFA, imo.


I felt like that Mitchell and Webb “Are we the baddies?” All during the Horde BfA campaign.


Did you notice my spriests name?

Assuming you’ve seen Peep Show (the other Mitchell and Webb show).

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I watched a raid boss strategy video today.

What has happened to me


Wow. Who’s the sweaty try hard now?!

Me. It’s me.

One thing that I disagree with is the statement “buff the other classes rather than nerf the strong classes”
Like bruh what lmao? No, do not buff every class to be as stupidly ridiculous as sub rogues or rets. Dying in a 3 second Cheap Shot is not “fast games” it’s just broken games.
They can nerf the outlier specs, like my own sub rogue, without it hurting the fast pacing of PvP.

Outside of that I do like Shadowlands so far. No real complaints other than PvP numbers tuning.

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Please don’t link the hero of GD here.



shakes fist at the sky


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Just in case someone needs their memory drop

"This should help counteract negative player behavior in dungeons, as players that were after a certain recipe from an early dungeon boss were leaving the group instead of finishing the instance if their recipe did not drop. "
Guilty of doing this with a friend last night. Queued on my tank for fast pops, rushed to the boss for the kill and then dropped group to requeue if he didn’t get the recipe. I think it took 9 or so runs.

It may help heroics, but normal is probably still gonna be borked for a while.

They probably needed to move all of the memories to final bosses too, that’ll probably happen next.

I’m fortunate, of the two I really want one I have and the other comes from a Torghast wing we haven’t seen yet.

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that’s Savix, not asmongold lol. he just used the thumbnail.

Savix is very honest about the game and is a huge classic lover, so much so he was among the first get high warlord, and also just make generally amazing pvp montages in classic so he’s got a real good out look on PVP.

I did this for the 5 sec crit lego. Took 6 tries on normal. I kinda felt guilty about it/kinda didn’t.