BG forums lounge (Part 1)

With this Riot MMO news, is there a video game genre that Riot ISN’T directly competing with Blizzard? I’m rooting for Riot, I’ve become super jaded about the company that Blizzard has become so i’m on Team “Burn it All Down”.

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Lol. I don’t know about burn it all down but I am for tough competition. WoW hasn’t had anything to worry about ever really.

Hopefully they make a fun game. There’s room out there for more than WoW, ff14, and eso.

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too soon to care for a league mmo which would be cool.
but reality, good mmos take like 3-5 years to even make.

very well could be waiting to 2025 for release.

I’d be guessing around late 2021 or 2022 if he immediately got to work on it when he became head of creative development in 2018.

I just hope he’s not in charge of any balance or competitive aspects of the game.

sounds pretty new. there’s no way he was doing league and mmo things at the same time.

this is probably still in creative phase.

If they had been working on it already, there would be a cinematic teaser to announce it.

it was announced on twitter needing a follow up confirmation of genre.

long way away

Yeah just read the tweet looks like it is a brand new assignment for them. Here’s to hoping they focus on the story and input some of the newer RPG aspects.

League has a well put together world with a lot of potential.

Ghostcrawler has a ton of personal experience. Riot will get a huge head start on best practices for creating, managing, and running a MMO.

I actually hope this news helps current WoW employees so they can get better pay and benefits.

I just can’t for a mmo 5 years away, it’s so fickle like Titan or all these other recent mmos stuck in development for so long.

when there is a pre alpha I’ll be hyped

Merry Christmas, you filthy animals!



LOL! I was just thinking of that line.

In other news, Dunkin’ Donuts Boston Kreme donut is a little taste of heaven.

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Since I don’t know if I’ll be around tomorrow

Lights please

And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this [shall be] a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

Merry Christmas BG forums


somehow i can post the youtubes but not the gifs


Happy Christmas all BG forum regulars :christmas_tree:


'Tis the season ya filthy animals.




sorta crazy I rarely use forums now because I’ve been playing the game plenty for once.

damn this exp is just good.

pvp activity is back in a huge force, yolo rbgs at 1800 too, just like mop.

looks like blizz wins this one

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I’m finding it more difficult to get on here as much as of late. Too many nerf this nerf that threads. Almost every spec has a crazy burst mechanic or insane utility and it feels good.

I’m hoping to get to rbgs eventually. Seeing how conquest gear in the vault is drastically better than pve gear for 95% of the playerbase I really wish our guild chose to run rbgs instead of raids for the first 5-6 weeks to just out gear normal and go straight to heroic.

For those who don’t understand what I’m saying, pvp gear in your vault isn’t a static 200 or 207. You upgrade it. If you have any intention to hitting 1600+ this patch then you are much better off picking that unranked-200 or 1400-207 pvp gear over that mythic +6 210 gear because you upgrade all your pvp gear. Getting all 3 pvp choices in the vault is much better for you long term unless you are already clearing higher up pve content of +10s or heroic raiding.

yeah pvp gear is great but a lot of stats aren’t available that are needed for pve, vice versa for pvp to pve.

but yeah the system is really good considering I’ll be getting mythic gear next reset through pvp.

best exp for pvp since wotlk/cata/mop era

With the primary stat weighted so high and vers being a top 2 stat for most classes, pvp gear may not be bis but it’s still overall pretty good gear to zip through normal and the first few bosses of heroic with.

I do love not feeling forced to run my weekly m+ though. Getting to pvp instead of having to push keys feels great. This exp is a huge step up from bfa.