BG Conquest points motivates the wrong behavior

What’s with the horrible and/or outright wrong arguments being made by the pro-quitter side of the argument today?


In other words, all you care about is the reward, not the actual BG.

Instead of insulting maybe explain how it’s wrong. If pvp offers something other than conquest points in exchange for gear I need to know.


How I choose to play isn’t for you to decide. I like pvp. I don’t like taking a beating for nothing. There is nothing fun about getting stomped.


That’s not what you said. You said there is a single path to gearing for PvP and that’s not right at all. The conquest gear is just A path to gearing and it isn’t all that good to begin with. Plenty of better gear can be obtained in simple PvE stuff.

The conquest gear is pretty mid tier at this point and has been the whole expansion.

Wasn’t telling you how to play. Just an observation about your post.

I specifically said for pvp to eliminate the pve gear. It wasn’t hard to understand.

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We can’t all be saints like you. :roll_eyes:

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Uh no but ok. Gear is not really all that relevant anyway. I took my fresh sub-300ilvl lock into some bgs yesterday and did a lot better than I thought I would (all losses but I lead my team in some categories). I got “nothing” out of it. Except experience with locks and a pretty good time seeing what I could do.

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Why would they do that?

I’m glad you had fun losing and got nothing but because you do everyone should?

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You get what you choose to take away from it. If you’re just there for the rewards then you’re just a mouse in a Skinner box.

The very nature of competition is that at least half of the participants lose. You aren’t entitled to be in the winning half at any time.


Again with making assumptions about other players. I didn’t say I didn’t like losing. I said I see no reason to take a beating and walk away with nothing. Losing is one thing but getting stomped is something else.

I expect to lose sometimes but if you think I’m going to stay for a royal a$$ whooping and get nothing but Canonization from it, you’re sorely mistaken.


Well everyone gets put into these bad losses as replacements. Only some deserve it. Here’s hoping they prioritize quitters to being the ones to replace other quitters from now on.

Cheers! :beers:


If it’s that bad of a loss, it’s over quick. Unless you mean epics.

Yes blizzard please stop putting those Sally Do-Goods in as replacements. They deserve so much better because they are obviously much better people than the rest of us. :roll_eyes:

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“Better people” is a stretch but w/e

When sarcasm fails.

People who don’t quit DON’T deserve to be placed into your fustercluck. The only ones who do are the other quitters. Sorry not sorry


^ This is a good point, not all of us enjoy being in a long, drawn-out loss (aka a complete waste of time).

I’m not sure why anyone would try to “white knight” against such a personal preference, is it to get more virtue signalling “points”? Fishing for validation? I don’t get it, but then again I’ve never been into the whole virtue signalling/“social media points” thing

Also, most of these guys leave lost/losing bgs as well… so to come on here to get on a soap box and “talk down to” other players who have left losing bgs is quite frankly a form of dishonesty

If you guys enjoy sticking out obvious losses, more power to you, but there’s no need to be hypocrites about the issue by “calling out” other players either…

  • “talk down to” other players about leaving losses
  • leave losing bgs themselves (while not mentioning it)

Pick one


I haven’t left any bg “just because of losing” Mine was more due to time and progress yet I still think habitual leavers should fill in progress game slots more.