BG Conquest points motivates the wrong behavior

you missed my point, i didn’t say that cutting edge was easier than bgs, i said that PVE content which is easier offers better loot. the two are not the same.

if i was really interested in cutting edge, i would drop my guild and move to a different server. some things are more important than an achievement.

What’s the ilevel of normal and heroic dungeons again? That’s the “equivalent” of random BG’s. And you don’t get a free Mythic + cache or a “500 dungeon points” bonus 400 quest.

no it isn’t.

yes you do, you still get your mythic cache provided you finish the dungeon, even if it takes 9 hours and 400 wipes, its impossible to not get the cache.

Sure it is. Solo queue, no premade needed, same position on the Group Finder page. True things stay true even when you don’t like it.

i already stated those are the wrong aspects to compare with. strategy, working as a team, making the right plays, these are what win bgs, and they require the same level of output and awareness from the player as a heroic raid.

also, PVE bosses don’t think and adapt.

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Because they’re not comparable game modes. However, the reward structure clearly indicates certain things fill the same spot on the item progression ladder. I’d bet you anything there is/was a flow chart on a Blizzard conference room wall with progression, and Randoms and Normal/Heroics are in the same position in two charts.

BG’s have additional loot from cache and CP, which could be viewed as “consolation for effort” rewards. Boom, equal.

so when are raid bosses going to start developing counter strategies? you can walk into any raid you have done 100 times and know without any doubt you will be clearing it. you can’t do that with a bg.

maybe, but thats exactly the problem, so i wouldn’t use it as a point, bgs need to be moved up the slider, normal unrated is on par with normal to heroic raiding, and rated pvp is on par with heroic to mythic raiding.

Probably the closest in agreement I’ll get out of you, I’ll leave it there. Have a good one.

“And since gear matters, I actually need the Conquest Points, to do well/heal well/good dps, etc. So sadly, no.”

Gear apparently doesn’t matter. The ilvl scaling is still out of control. I did a WSG earlier and burned wings into the Horde healer, a priest with 70k hp. He tanked my burst for a solid 20 seconds, easily, including 2 kicks and a 6 second hammer, before finally going down when a hunter helped me out.

Not sure why it keeps defaulting me to a hunter I haven’t played in months.

That’s weird. I had the exact opposite happen.

A Hpal with around 75k came out of our flagroom and after a single star surge hit Him all that was left was a pile of glitter and the flag. I was rocking incarn and Zerk, perhaps that’s what made the difference

That’s not gear that’s priest talents.
Greater fade and priest wing pop will keep you alive through a paladin wing pop burst. Couple it with Holy Ward. Just need the timing.

Greater fade causes misses, though, not TV crits to top out at 12-14k, and the Hammer landed, wasn’t holy warded.

Though I won’t deny, a priest can definitely keep himself alive through burst, just not what happened here. I just couldn’t damage him.

Are you sure someone else was not also healing them to go with their own healing? Any spec of druid/monk etc.
I’m just asking to make sure. I don’t feel the scaling in BGs as much on any of my toons and holy priest has a lot more utility than it’s credited. Well until maledict is used. Then we’re screwed haha.

OP, you are the reason we can’t have nice things. So much wrong in everything you say before I stopped reading this thread (and I’m actually in favor of a little conquest being rewarded if the loss is close).

Your mentality though.

You don’t love bgs. That claim is 100% false. You’re an addict. Addicted to the meager rewards and nothing more. BGs are your Skinner Box.

I know how I sound right now. Not intending hostility but I know it will come across that way but take a minute and think again about everything you said there at the start. All you want is the conquest points. 4 toons at 120 and you just want to cap conquest on them all so badly that you will quit. It’s all about getting as much of that conquest as you can in the time you have.

Damn the consequences of making the game that’s already at a low point suck even more. It sucks seeing people leave games like you do. For everyone else on your team. It sucks to be backfilled into the game you quit on.

But your time is precious. Not so precious that you can’t cap 4 toons a week but precious. I don’t think I’ve met anyone who is trying to conquest cap 4 toons. Time is precious.

Not a fangirl of Blizzard these days but let’s be reasonable for a moment. Blizzard can fix bugs, they can fix imbalances if they had the brainpower to do it. But they can’t fix the players who quit. Quitters are a player problem and only a player can fix themselves.


Well current conquest for epics win first time is 65 conquest. So you are saying you will bail. Okay but if they increased it 120 conquest for first win would you bail? Maybe given if it was AV and it was a complete loss but if it is IoQ or WG you may choose to stick it out for 120 conquest.

Um what? Maybe because…

?!?! Sounds like you don’t like bgs. You only like winning and conquest points.

This is someone who actually loves bgs my man. I think you need to do some self reflection.

Pretty much this… Do it blizzard.


Eh you know I disagree with this. I think there is a cp/hour issue. The only way that seems reasonable is via rbgs and not all of us do them. I also know there is some scaling in the game but alts definitely feel significantly weaker. Wrong stats and traits and AP level is pretty impactful.

I can’t remember who but I remember someone arguing with me about expansions being extremely alt friendly. They said that people could just level whatever is flavor of the month and play that. While I don’t disagree with that I don’t think that’s any different now? Only difference is that if you only have time to cap 1-2 characters why would you invest that time into some spec that is super underpreforming? In mop-wod my buddies and I would play the op specs and comps but we would also play a ton of the specs we wanted in the comps that we wanted to mess around with.

I feel like I’ve never seen less diversity (in arenas anyways) as I did this expansion.


What advocates of bad ideas like “make deserter account-wide” and “increase the deserter duration to 24 hours” think will happen :roll_eyes:

  1. “people will learn the bg”
  2. “people will become better players”
  3. “people will learn to work better as a team”
  4. “people will stop being toxic and be nicer”

What would actually happen, a reality check :thinking:

  1. people won’t learn a thing
  2. people won’t get better
  3. people will just go AFK in a corner of the bg (or just PvP on roads to “look busy”) until it’s over, to avoid getting deserter
  4. in addition to going AFK/not trying people might just start trolling in the chat/goofing off to pass the time until the loss happens… toxicity would probably go up

On paper it “sounds” like a good idea to combat people leaving losing bgs, but it just wouldn’t work in practice due to human nature/human laziness - people are creative and would find ways around it or at least adapt to it. Or they would just stop q’ing random bgs altogether (or form more premades to lower their risk of being in a losing bg), which wouldn’t be good for queue times.

No matter how harsh a punishment there is, you can’t “force” people to stay in bad groups or “wait out” blatantly obvious losses :roll_eyes: If I get a group full of baddies that’s wasting my time or can’t focus objectives, isn’t focusing healers, has crappy DPS that can’t get kills, etc… I’m leaving, period.

Let’s not be so naive and idealistic guys, random casuals are NOT gonna “get better” or “work better as a team and be nicer to each other” simply because you upped the punishment for leaving a losing bg :rofl: :rofl:

You guys greatly under-estimate human laziness and OVER-ESTIMATE the patience/ability of your average WoW casual… let’s not kid ourselves guys :rofl:


agree that the current system provides extremely high motivation to leave matches in certain circumstances

almost entirely because you are basically wasting your time if you stay in a likely loss, and most people don’t have lots of time to spare