BG Conquest points motivates the wrong behavior

That really makes 0 sense then. You should be able to fill the conq bar with rated play period and not get nerfed after the first win. I don’t want to run 2’s, 3’s, and rbg to maximize for the day.

I’m not sure I’d like removing CP from the casual tab, nor would most people, but he’s not exactly wrong is he? You get a cache containing a reward well above the level of content you’re doing, PVE doesn’t do that.

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When I was running RBG’s last season I’d pretty much hit cap after an hour.

Just banged out the Zuldazar invasion in 15 minutes, at 370/500 now. Only WPVP i encountered was a tryhard WPVP tank who tried to jump me (and I left to his own devices after he healed to full for the 2nd time).

No sympathy for afking. It’s essentially like saying I don’t care about random people I play with.

AFKing out is the last think Blizzard needs to cater to. Because from my perspective that just throws the rest of the team for AFKers benefit. Suddenly we are outnumbered, and often after a feeble setback. I’d rather have people like that not queue at all than take up a slot only to leave after first problems.

The worst losses (and best wins) I had were against teams who were stubborn to win to the end and clenched out victories last minute

AFKing should be account wide indeed.


Well said. This is the game I’d like to see, not one that caters to the entitled. Turning a loss around is the best feeling in PVP, and allowing people to just flip toons in a revolving door sabotages that possibility.

Yeah, well, Alliance (and prime time) so there’s never a shortage of Horde to fight.

Every time I get to assassin status it seems like a raid of 37 Orc rogues and 3 gnome rogues wearing flimsy Orc masks appears immediately and turns me into a puddle. :rofl:

Yeah that’s the issue with War Mode, seemed cool on paper but it punishes success.

I did go to Drustvar yesterday but it was a crapshow with an Alliance raid at every world quest. No sense in dealing with that.

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the cache contains 385 loot, i would not say that is well above the level of content, it would say its below. it should be 400 loot. right now i have no reason to even bother with the cache, i don’t need anymore 385 loot. bgs, even casual unrated ones, are between normal and heroic for difficulty, the fact that you have a random group is all that is shared with LFR, and that should not be the quality used to rate the difficulty.

360 gear is the standard loot, you get a 400 for the weekly quest bar, and 385 in the cache. I’d say it’s above, unless you know something about numbers that I don’t.

360 is scrapper fodder, its meant to be resources and mats, its presented as gear in case you need gear(like for a fresh capped toon), but it is not the gear reward for pvping casually, its a reward with options as to how you use it.

afkfronts offer 400 ilvl. based on that bgs should offer 415, but realistically, if you only gear by bgs you are shooting yourself in the foot. for me the PVP gearing system is almost always a week behind the PVE gearing system.

According to who?

One does, the other doesn’t. It’s obviously just a bribe to keep participation active in the “what have you done for us lately” Blizzard layoff phase.

according to the design of the system.

seems like a very jaded view, wow doesn’t have a tiny team, work in any company and you will realize that oversights happen when teams are large, wow’s team is like 400+ people.

How you use it, you mean. You could say Heroics are just for Scrapper too, but it’s part of the gear progression, just like PVP blues. Why else is it named “Aspirant”?

Kind of condescending ya think?

it’s a continuation and expansion on the forge from legion, only now it applies to more than just pvp gear, and you get useful resources instead of stuff than can only be spent on pvp gear. the point here is that you can pvp and not feel obligated to have to go spend hours gathering, provided you play the game, you will be given resources and mats.

it’s not an insult to state things are how they are.

I know what the Scrapper is, it gives everything a “better than vendor” option. I’m just saying it’s called “Aspirant” gear, like they are expecting you to Aspire to something greater. Another name they could have used would have been “My 1st PVP set”

You obviously haven’t worked in a company that has had layoffs. Or rather, been on the inside track of one.

thats pretty much what i said, once you no longer need that set you move on to your first glad set, then if you want, you can go get your elite glad set. at that point the aspirant gear is no longer gear, its scapper fodder.

bgs however don’t change as you gear, gearing is needed to maintain your standing within bgs. if you take method and put them in LFR, they don’t have a 50% chance of wiping. if you take the top 80 pvpers in the world and put them in a bg, half of them will still lose. so you can’t make the comparison to LFR or PVE. if you run a raid, even a mythic one, by the time you have done it 10,000 times you could probably do it blindfolded from memory, yet there are players with more than that many AVs and yet they can’t guarantee a win. this is part of the reason why even casual unrated pvp is more difficult than normal raiding and on par with heroic raiding, and deserves rewards on par with that difficulty level.

the devs and creative staff weren’t the ones laid off.

Yet. You don’t think there’s any lingering sense of paranoia? That always follows layoffs.

Not gonna get into yet another “pvp is hard” argument. If PVE is so easy, do it. I await reports of your Cutting Edge success.

no, iirc that group is actually being expanded. but if your job can be easily automated i would keep your resume up to date.

i do, and here’s the thing, the easier PVE content provides better gear. which is why PVP needs to be offering better gear than it already does. you don’t need cutting edge, aotc, or +10s either, look at my character sheet, i’ve done nothing super high end, yet i’m ahead of most casual bgers on ilvl, thats the problem. bgs are behind the curve relative to their difficulty.

arguments about it needing to offer low level loot are nothing more than elitism brought on by insecurity. it doesn’t hurt anyone if casual pvpers get better loot.

Not to armory shame you but it looks like you’ve gotten your feet wet and little more than that. Still got 4 heroic bosses and 9 mythic ones ahead of you before you make claims like that.