BG Conquest points motivates the wrong behavior

Yup, having alts is great for protecting yourself against bad groups/losing groups. I use the exact same strategy of simply switching over to an alt when I have to eat a deserter on my main :joy:

I almost feel bad for the “only have one character” guys, I don’t know how they do it :thinking:

Having alts = having options and flexibility :upside_down_face:



Amen to this, preach! :+1:

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I think the OP has a good point about the time investment needed and “cost-benefit analysis” approach many people feel they must take when playing BGs.

I still kind of like epic BGs but used to really like them, when I came back to the game during late-Legion. Today my interest is dwindling. Maybe it’s due to the amount of time that has passed - maybe it’s the numerous class/spec and gear problems that blizzard refuses to address thoroughly - but my interest is dwindling. To add to that, if I get on a team with 39 other random people, where half or more of them seem unconcerned with playing objectives and trying to win, my interest in staying takes a nosedive.

TBH, I’m not sure a small “completion” reward of, say, 5 conquest for sticking it out till the end would spur me to stay with such a team, especially if I think the game will take 20+ more minutes to end. But it would be better than nothing, especially in AV which is provably imbalanced in favor of the horde.

Perhaps a better structure would be to have two weekly quests to win 4 random BGs (75 conquest reward) and win 4 random epic BGs (150 conquest reward).

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Yeah, all my toons are that. So I’m doing it “right” lol Toon I’m on right now, and play the least, is 387.

My point isn’t what my current gear level is.

My point is that once you are past honor gear, and CP is the only thing that is a reward, it’s not worth wasting “spare” time, to play in a losing BG, when CP might reward you with some better gear.

Rewards from BG’s motivate behavior. If there is no reward at all, me, and many like me (because I see it all of the time, particularly in Epic BG’s) don’t waste our time for ZERO reward. Time is a commodity.

And since gear matters, and since you can’t get gear in the order you want, it makes sense not to squander time in a loss. The Holy Priest I was just playing (in an AB loss 1275 to 1500) had 355 gloves forever that I couldn’t get rid of. PvP weekly rewards were not gloves for a long long time.

If there was a PvP vendor, I could have spent CP on gloves. But I kept getting 385 gear that I already had, or 385 gear was already in the slot.

Time is precious. With gear this hard to get, lots of people don’t waste time staying in BG’s that are losses. I’m not the only one.


And only decay in game, imo… (like the timer only runs when in game on some character)…

I suppose it doesn’t really matter, retail is dead to me the moment classic comes out… and Classic only has a chance if there’s no Xrealm Bgs, and people where actually held to account for their play in BGs… In my day (old man story inc), during vanilla, people would actually be embarrassed to be useless in a BG and be SEEN being useless, because the other people on their faction would actually remember them, and being horrible or overly toxic could actually impact your ability to find groups/guilds… The closed realm community system was simply so much superior.

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Play alliance solo que BGs. Will make you want to unsub.


OP brings up an interesting point.

Deserter debuff should definitely be account-wide.

Problem solved. Next!


I have been thinking this for a while as well.
I was missing only 20 conquest last night for my final piece of the PvP gear, and I could not find a win anywhere. Even the war mode chest fell somewhere too far away for me to grab. I had to go to rated arenas and eke out a win to get it. It would be nice if we could just grind out the losses to get our few conquest points and then move on to better parts of the game.

Usually the only bg Ill afk is wintergrasp and sometimes seething shore. Win or loss I don’t care otherwise.

Correct me if I’m wrong but you are supposed to fill up the conq bar with rated play?

or we could up the deserter debuff to 60 minutes and make it account wide.

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Am I reading this right?

You’re admitting that you AFK out of every battleground you believe your team won’t win and you’re suggestion is that Blizzard should fix your juvenile behavior for you?

If you’re leaving, then Blizzard’s system is working as intended. We want the undedicated players gone and replaced- we don’t need you wading around god knows where while you wait for your consolation conquest upon a loss.

If winning is too time consuming for you and the four level capped characters you want to maintain simultaneously, then consider just going back to world of tanks for us.

Player issue- not a design issue.


Call me a skeptic but I’m not sure that’d help people quitting and switching toons.

+1 for account wide deserter.

We don’t need to reward “showing up,” we should just punish desertion.


This was the case, but not anymore. I did ranked arena the first few weeks of launch. Saw I got 35 conquest for a ranked 2v2 win, got a partner, banged out eight wins, brought up the menu to see how close to capping I was, and I was only at 105 conquest. I realized after your first win of the day, you only get 10 conquest points per win after that, for RATED arena victories.

The devs want to corral everyone to do multiple types of pvp play multiple days during the week.

I got over half my conquest bar done yesterday with minimal effort. Daily wins in randoms, epics, and brawl. Turned in brawl quest. Did the “kill 10 people in” WPVP CTA quest.

Didn’t even do an invasion.


How about we remove conquest from random bg? You don’t get a mythic plus cache for doing heroics.

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why stop there? just remove pvp all together.


Yep. The people who’s sole motivation is to get conquest are quick to forget these things.

Brawls both weekly and daily, BG week “win four” quest, WPvP weekly, caches, incursions, PvP island expeditions (win or lose)… rated arena, RBG…

If conquest is what you play for and you can’t manage to enjoy your losses, then there are more efficient ways to acquire it than just spamming unrateds.

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Could’ve gotten 50 more if you’d subjected yourself to skirmishes.


The next incursion during my playtime is tomorrow eve. I’ll get AOO and CTA done then.