BG Conquest points motivates the wrong behavior

For anyone who likes to watch the best players in BG’s, 6v6 tournament is live right now. 6 NA teams remain. EU games are Thurs/Fri next week I believe the casters said. There will be 2 more tournaments for each region.

Casters are Venruki, Healingstat and Elbareth. Was really fun to watch yesterday!

Do you make them…CHANGE THEIR OWN OIL?

You don’t get any Conquest Points for a loss. That’s the point of this thread. Either you’re simply mistaken, or there was some other quest/reward that gave you 65 Conquest Points. The reason you say it hasn’t come up in a “few weeks” is because you don’t get CP for a loss.

Not trying to gainsay you to be oppositional. But that’s just not the way the game works.

If you got 65 Conquest Points for a loss, I’d not have this issue of wasting my time in a loss. Pretty sure you got your 65 CP for some other reason.

  • are you sure you’re not thinking of when Wintergrasp was reintroduced? There were two quests that gave you some reward. One for a victory. And one for killing 10 players of the other faction (win or lose).

Many people have commented since BFA launch about getting conquest in close AV losses.

This is from another thread: “You do get conquest for losing (sometimes) it is a random chance in those cache’s you get at the end. I have gotten 10 CQ in a couple of them, even on losses. It’s a small % but yeah, it’s still a chance.”

So you don’t get CP for the loss. You get a small chance at a small amount of CP in the cache.

Perhaps you get 65 CP in those caches? Doesn’t seem to be likely, but perhaps.

[edit] It would be awesome if the odds of getting CP went up in a close loss, and/or the amount of CP in the cache went up.

Be nice to hear a blue comment on this, or have someone post a blue-comment about this if it’s true.

No, I’ve actually gotten the FULL 65 conquest points in losing Alliance AV games, but it only happened during very close down-to-the-wire losses like A: 0 to H: 27. So the “loser’s compensation” mechanic is there… it’s just unclear what exactly triggers it.

So far I’ve only seen it happen in super close, neck-and-neck games where the final score was < 100 reinforcements for both teams.

But with the typical Alliance PUG during an AV loss, the final score will usually be something like A: 0 to H: 300-400 (due to bad play, offense not being fast enough, etc), so obviously the “loser’s compensation” reward mechanic won’t kick in during the vast majority of PUG games

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Even if what you assert turns out to be true, a small chance at a small Conquest Point reward (or the random fluke reward of 65 CP as in the 2nd quote you posted) won’t change the problem I brought up in the first place – wasting time for a VERY LIKELY chance of not getting any Conquest Points, by staying in an obvious loss.

And since I love Epic BG’s, those losses are particularly long ones.

So the small chance of a likely small CP reward for a 45 minute/hour long turtle in AV, or slow WG or long IoC isn’t going to change my behavior, or the behavior of people who can read the writing on the BG wall when it’s a loss.

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I asked before but it got overlooked - what do you do during the season hiatus when there is no conquest or gear reward?

Would be nice to know explicitly what the mechanic is. Might change the gameplay of people who currently /afk out since they don’t know how it works.

As I’ve asserted many times, I’d stay in an obvious loss for Conquest Points. I’m just not wasting my time for no reward. Nor a really low chance for Conquest Points if it’s “random”, and I don’t know the odds of it.

[/quote]I asked before but it got overlooked - what do you do during the season hiatus when there is no conquest or gear reward?[/quote]

Fatfreddy, you mean at a time when no people are getting CP for better gear when they win? While no one on the losing team is getting no CP when they lose? And the gear disparity isn’t changing if you win, versus if you lose? So no one is rewarded for their time? And there is no disparity between winning and losing?

I PvP for fun. But don’t think that scores you a logic point. PvP survival/dmg/healing is based on the gear you have. And Blizzard designed a reward system that gives the winners something and the losing team nothing that matters.

My point isn’t what I do with my TIME when no one is being rewarded with Conquest Points.

My point is what I do with my TIME, when Conquest Points are being handed out. Not being able to get PvP gear during the season where CP is being paid out, just means I have no motivation to spend an hour in an obvious PvP loss in AV, when I can /AFK out, and requeue with a different toon that has a chance to win.

Wouldn’t matter if I could buy PvP gear with gold
Wouldn’t matter if I could use honor to buy PvP gear
Wouldn’t matter if the BG rewarded SOME amount of CP in a loss.

I’m sure all PvPers understand being in crappy gear, fighting someone in gear 50-80 ilvls above you, can make PvP suck. You want something close to balanced. So it’s about skill, not gear.

So the answer to your question pretty much is, it’s not relevant to the question I raised about CP rewards. I mean, if you do BG’s very much, you can see I’m not the only one who leaves the second the loss becomes obvious. People leaving BG’s during the “off season” or staying, isn’t motivated by CP.

And I’ve read enough threads to know I’m not the only one who doesn’t like wasting 30-60 minutes (I actually stay in BG’s that look like a quick loss) for no reward for their time and effort.

Lots of people still dont know that you can get the CP for losing AV. You have to get the enemy below 100 and you get it. It’s not random, its a guarantee.

I would love for them to do the sort of things people have suggested here. Close games/playing at objectives. I could see a lot more people actually trying, which could make for better games.

Though if blizz ever did this, they would need to really get that information out there so the majority would know. Which they obviously didn’t do for AV lol


Blockquote Lots of people still dont know that you can get the CP for losing AV. You have to get the enemy below 100 and you get it. It’s not random, its a guarantee.

That would have been fantastic to know! Still wouldn’t provide a reason to stay in games that are obvious losses. Or in non-epic BG’s. But great to know about AV.

Having a sub-goal like getting to a score less than 100 in AV would certainly help provide a reason to stay in battles that don’t look like blowouts. Be nice if there was a similar mechanism in IoC and WG (is there? lol)

Also would be great if Blizzard would let people know what the incentives are (including the percentage chance of CP rewards in the post-game cache) to give people reasons not to AFK out.

This is pretty much where I’m at on this. I think if we’re talking about getting the incentivization right, it should be a system where, even if it looks like their team will lose, a player who’s mainly focused on the rewards system will be thinking “ok well I want some reward from this, so I’ll go get some orb points or cap/return a flag or try to ninja something.” That way their play is still compatible with teammates who are still trying to win.

I see this quite a bit, but it’s really silly because of the tiebreaking rule. As far as the score is concerned, the first cap is almost meaningless unless it doesn’t happen until the final few minutes, because the other team still only needs one cap to win everything. The real damage in scoring the first cap is to the other team’s morale, if it’s causing 1/3 of their team to quit (which is a high estimate but admittedly not that far off).

Yeah, it’s definitely silly to AFK out because of tiebreaking. But that’s why I said “horribly” against them. i.e. if you look at dmg/heals stats after that, and things look grim. Or you tab through your teammates and 4 of them have 100k health pools, and the enemey has mostly 200k+.

(*side note: was in Battle for Gilneas last week and 2 people on our team had less than 100k health. One still had 2 or 3 pieces of Legion gear. I whispered them, as the entire team yelled at them, to do WQ’s/Dungeons/visit the AH for gear. Or at least do epic BG’s where they were 2.5% of the team, not 10% of the team *)

I don’t AFK out of WSG after the first cap, exactly because of tie-breaking. I play defense and stall and try to see who enters the BG to replace the people who leave. Let’s say 3 people DO leave, the next 3 that enter might have good gear and be good at PvP. And you get the next cap – and then the tie-breaking rule pays out.

Well we also have far better scaling right now.

Do you think they are mutually exclusive? It is possible to enjoy pvp and enjoy earning gear in the process. It does not have to be one or the other.


Think you missed his point. It’s the PERCEPTION players asking for something for losing comes off as.

Whatever the “perception” might be, the game-theory implications of not offering an incentive for effort, time and/or narrowness of loss has the actual effect of what we see now: no reason to stay in a long loss if you are time-limited, since PvP gear (poorly rewarded already by the current method that doesn’t let you address worst-in-slot issues) is very relevant to doing good damage/healing/surviving in PvP.


Well I am ALL for going back to honor/conquest gear sets and vendors. The quitting problem certainly didn’t exist to the extent it does now. The game right now is in a mediocre state without people bailing, with it’s starting to suck and people need to realize their role in that. Blizz needs to realize their big role in it too.


I just wanted to mention I completely support the idea of 6 man RBG’s and even BG’s…

But one thing I wonder … is why do streamers have their webcam on their streams? I guess I just think of it like “I came here to watch the game, not someone’s face!”

I guess I can see why the “gamer girls” do it, since guys tend to gawk and throw money at them, but Is it mainly because of the reactions people have? I guess I just find it awkward people I can’t see are sitting there looking at me. And then the fear of “What if I forget the cam is on and people see me pick my nose or see my mom come down into the basement and yell at me to do the dishes?”