Just Won AND Lost Alterac Valley?

Was in a super long game and we were poised to win in 30 seconds, but it said alliance wins even though they had no way of causing an instant loss at that point, drek and towers were still healthy.
got 65 conquest, but statistics says “Loss”
what ?


I was in that AV with you, just checked my conquest and it was awarded!
We killed Ivus it was so close, and then BAM Alliance music…

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We were going to win in 20-30 seconds due to bunker burn
our towers were fully horde-contested and drek’thar was alive
then all of a sudden alliance music?
Is this another alliance exploit ?

Saw you in chat “200 points bunker burn”, could be an epic win!!" they had just over 206?

Wha’… ??

Sounds messed up. Glad I wasn’t in that game with you - but only because you lost - I mean, won-lost. :open_mouth:

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Yeah I don’t get it, people in chat were like "I got my conquest but we lost ?? wtf "

Happened to me a little bit ago. If the game is close it gives winning rewards to both.

Great, even WOW is giving out participation trophies.

Normally I’d agree with you but in the case of an epic bg lasting 40 minutes and came down to the final few seconds I don’t mind it.


i think someone told me there is a thing if the victory in an epic is close, the losing team is awarded conq as well

Do you eat corn chips while in bgs?

sometimes lol

It just so happens that I was in this match on the Alliance side, and to answer your question - we were killing Galv when you guys had around ~130 reinforcements left. No exploit, it was a legit win (Galv = 100 points). You guys didn’t see all the Galv emotes next to chat?? He announces when he aggroes Ally players ya know, how did you guys miss it? :thinking:

We killed Galv when you guys had a little over ~100 reinforcements left, and we got the last 2-3 kills “just” in time… bringing the Horde score to 0 and winning the match at the very last moments lol

The final time on the clock was something like 1 hour 5 minutes if I remember correctly, it went on for quite a while. The alliance chat really blew up when “the Alliance wins!” flashed on the screen hehe :grin:

Very good match! :grin:


That is awesome, such a good match.
One I will remember!