BG Blitz is full of premades

No, no people haven’t.

OR OR hear me out. This isn’t what you think it is.

I have yet to see a “perfect team” honestly. What is a perfect team in Blitz? To you that is.

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Blizz should add this sound for disc priests casting penance just so that people complain about us even more. plus its a warning for our massive penance shots that hit for 1 million per bolt.

Dude beat me with a straight flush! Almost impossible odds! Dealer must be stacking the deck…

In discord, using addon Battleground Commander.

addon alerts the leader when queues pop for people, you notice 5+ get pop at the same time, nobody accepts.

Check to see if the # that haven’t accepted with lines up with the # of people who got the queue pop, wait until last few seconds then a call is made to accept / decline


OK so they do that, and get into one match with an almost guarantee some will be on the other side. Because, don’t forget, BGB is faction agnostic.

One side throws? Dropping their MMR and separating the MMRs further?

Or they just play it out and then it does not matter?

When they were doing it in randoms and epics they could be pretty sure they were all on the same team.

That a bigger group is statistically more likely to be split across the teams makes this idea pretty unworkable.


“Gosh, stop asking how I keep dealing myself a royal flush, it can happen 10 times in a row, OK?”

“Look, we know that it’s well documented that queue syncing is a problem in every other game mode but in this oddly specific rated game mode where there’s a massive incentive to inflate your rating it’s just not happening, OK? It’s just not!”

So you don’t actually have a problem with Blizzard actually fixing the match making system and removing premades?

I dont see any downside to randomized queue pops/not showing how many people have accepted.

I also dont believe for a second that any significant amount of my blitz games have had premades in them.

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Got into one with 5 people on my team that were a premade, four marksman hunters with a healer. They had their roles already setup, the hunters trapped the whole flag room in a perfect spread as soon as the gate opened. They communicated with the three of us that weren’t part of their premade what they wanted us to do.

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someone whispered me today accusing me of playing with a team and that I should “go play rated.” I was at like 500 cr and all someone said at the start was essentially ‘kill healers first.’

I think a lot of you just don’t pay attention lol

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This appears to be the extent of the strategy in sub honor level 30 battlegrounds.

It certainly works against new healers and probably works in low rated RSS.

But Blitz has all sorts of players with fresh CR, killing good healers can be tough.

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That doesn’t work with BGB. Conspiracy theory harder.

You forgot the part where the people throwing the games get banned because they get reported by their teammates and Blizzard gives them a 6 month vacation, because it’s rated and not the sperg fest that is epic bgs.

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Not entirely true. Blizzard still use the factions for queues. They only mix when their is a big imbalance in faction queue. I’m queueing as horde and I pretty much never get on alliance sides in randoms. I don’t remember the last time I was on the alliance part of AV.

I’m like 100% certain Epics and Randoms are faction based every single time. It’s why horde BG queues are like 1 minute while alliance is 10 minutes

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I do mostly blitz, and I have never been in Alliance side of AB. It is anecdotical. But I very rarely get on alliance sides of any blitz since DF season 4.

Am I alone ?

In Blitz whatever side you get is completely random iirc

You said AV which is what I was responding to, my apologies if you meant AB

I have played over 100 rounds of blitz so far and i have been on the horde and alliance side of all the maps plenty of times. Faction does not matter at all in blitz , it’s all mixed.


I have been accused of boosting in RSS before. Me, someone who never even hit 1600 in RSS and only hit 1800 ONCE in arena when I was playing with a R1 lol. People think they see things that aren’t there all the time.


Folks make all kinds of assumptions. Do my very best to use all my tools as effectively as possible. Had a control the area map and had one capped. 2 enemies stealthed over and killed me before help arrived since help never arrived, it happens. As the only hunter on our team someone felt it necessary to blame the hunter for our narrow loss, oh well. Typically I can last a real long time 2 vs me. Sometimes even kill them both, but not that time. People feel the need to blame someone.

You asked how we do it

All I did was tell you