BG Blitz is full of premades

You don’t “do” anything because it doesn’t exist. BG commander works for non rated PvP because it’s faction locked. Randomized factions in rated blitz make the addon moot because you won’t be on the same team if you even get in the same games.


Did they say they were in a premade?
Because nothing about that would be out of the ordinary for random groups. I’ve coordinated who is picking up what orbs in temple before, or who is going to what bases.

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You can still see them it just hides them bud. But of course, you are a coward that hides from people that prove you wrong.


Still what’s being done at the moment.

Hey that’s a realistic method Smullik. Simple, doable, believable. My original opinion was people were just mad at RNG and losing, but with something this easy to do, maybe some are seeing this. Probably not as many as are claimed, but certainly some. Good to know.

Q up for some random/epci bgs if the number going up/down bothers ya. Same pvp, no number.

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Summary of thread:

OP lost a bunch of games. Clearly, it must have been because of Premades and/or Wintrading at 1200 MMR. There is no other possible explanation, like some players actually being better than OP. That’d be impossible.

I was likely on a bad team if I was FCing. I shouldn’t be. MW monk, Evoker, DH, Druid are the FC classes.

At least I’m out of the bad bracket now. Teams are a little more responsive at 2200 MMR.

Then why do you fight the same group back to back? That’s some crazy RNG.

Are there as many Premades as people claim? No.
Are there Premades and players syncing? Yes

It’s healthy to be a little bit objective.

Oh, the irony.

We had a match where a bunch of people from my team jumped in the in-game voice comms. It wasn’t a premade, and while we were only 5 out of 8 in there, it made a huge difference.

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If you’re seeing the same people several games in a row, it’s probably because you’re all re-queueing at the same time, in the same MMR.
However if they really are a premade, they’d very quickly rise above your own MMR and you’d no longer get matched against or with them.