BG Blitz is full of premades

I’ve been suspecting this for a bit, last week was okay until towards the end of the week. I won 2 out of about 15 games. Every queue pop has multiple cancels.
Is the secret to avoiding a premade maybe to cancel your queue once you see four cancels and then requeue?

I dont know if I got put with tremendously aware players willing to adapt to call outs or something else.

Started on horde side and said I would take Quarry. Everytime I called inc quarry, 3 of my teammates came to desimate any living opposition, happened 3 times. We held 3 bases nearly the whole match and won 500 points ahead. I thanked them at 1300+ points for somehow always being exactly where they were needed. It felt like I was the only one off coms, but I made my call outs in chat. They would arrive so quick I didnt die Vs 3 stealthilys, but I did call it when the rogue left farm, just knew he was coming. The only indicator I saw that could have some meaning is during this seemingly flawless play only 2 other players said anything objective related in chat that I noticed. Either way it was a great time.

No, facts mean things that are real and true. They are not interchangeable with whatever you feel on a given day.


Correct that’s why I keep giving facts. You are the one getting upset and using your feelings.

Think outside the box.

If queue syncers are leaving queue and getting in queue again, I’d imagine staying for your queue would be your best bet.

If you really think you are seeing exploiters, report them.

I’ve seen some teams better than others, and a team of individuals who knows the map and objectives can look coordinated.

You ever been to a party and a bunch of people start doing the electric slide together? It’s not a premade, people just know the dance.


Right, which is why you’re convincing Blizzard on not only this topic, but also the queue syncing one? lol.

Not taking a stance on either side of this. But when I did blitz for the token last week, a lot of my winning games were people agreeing on commonly used strats you see in reg’s.

Just simple effect stuff like deathball down left, give zerk to X, wipe them then get orbs on temple for example.

And when you think about how long we’ve been playing the same maps it’s like second nature to many of us.

Maybe that’s all you’re experiencing, you’re just getting the headless chicken team?


Why do I need to convince blizzard of anything? Blizzard doesn’t even do their job.

R.I.P. Ret

Yeah, it’s because you lost to a better team. Thanks for playing. Don’t pass go. Don’t collect $200.

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I cant believe I scroll this long for someone with a little intelligence.


They have the same chance to face eachother since there are no factions. You’re all coping.

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Feel free to explain how it occurs since no one can apparently post any proof that there’s any “queue synching” going on in bgb.

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I can’t that is what I’m saying. He is the first person to make sense.

And? What’s your point?

Don’t waste your time with him he’s just a troll.

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I’m affraid that this is a bad take and a “get gud” situation

In order to premade you would have to all que at the same time, all have the same MMR all be placed on the same faction in the battleground (since it’s random) being that this is the most popular PvP mode at the moment the chances of all these things going in your favor once very very rare and the chances of consistently doing it? Imposible.

much more likely that you are lacking BG awareness that your opponents have.

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Do you que with a pres evoker or MW flag carrier?


Did you rng a pres or MW on your team that is actively trying to carry flag and understands their class?


Then don’t talk about conspiracies of que syncing.

You did que with a pres or MW that can FC and understands their class?

and you are still losing every game?

You need to get better.

The end.

Very unlikely there would be many players sync queueing.

If it’s anything like league solo queue, then most likely if there are premades they would be at the very top to engage in win trading.
In order for sync queueing to be effective you’ll have to have a smaller pool of players to choose from. High MMR typically has a much smaller pool so the odds of getting in the same game are a lot higher.

Should note that this would mainly be used to sell free carries to players. As the duo queue partner will get them to a high enough elo and then they will have other players sync queue to gaurentee wins. If they are on the side of the client they will play normally and communicate in discord, if they are on the opposing side they will throw and then play another game afterwards. to regain any lost MMR.

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