BG Blitz is full of premades

I know a lot of people are noticing this, and it’s gotten ridiculous.

Blitz has premade teams everywhere. We’ve all played these BGs long enough to know the difference between good players, bad players, and teams in discord.

Every single angle at every base is communicated instantly. Target calling is blatantly obvious. There is no randomness to the teams unless you yourself queue solo, and you’ll be in a team of solos. Just like in regular BGs.

Please, Blizz, find a way fix this. This new BG style is already ruined. It’s nothing more than free points for cheaters.


Que skipping??

It’s called paying attention and calling out inc early along with increased mount speed so you can actually make it to a base faster.


No. This is premade teams. If you can’t tell the difference, then you’re being willfully ignorant.

Lots of good players will watch and call and communicate. Chat doesn’t work as well as voice, and you can tell who is on voice.

Team comps are perfect as well. None of the randomness that you should usually see.


Ok, I haven’t played yet. But seems if your raid team is all the same rating, you could game this pretty easily. Especially during off hours.


To get everyone into the same match, yeah, most likely. That would partially explain why the queue often pops about 6+ times before the match starts.

Blizz really needs to implement a way to scramble the queue pops so that people never know if they’re getting into the same match or not.


Yup you get that when que pop happens and theres about 4 missing spots that keep cancelling until a 3rd or 4th time.


The major contributing factor I have found to be related to winning vs losing teams is player awareness.
Sometimes I wonder if people are playing in first person because they clearly have no idea what is going on beyond whatever they currently have targeted.

Some players are oblivious to the things that are right in front of them on their screen.
I’m not talking about fancy addons. I’m referring to nameplates and objective timers that are in the game by default.


Could be done by filling multiple lobbies at a time, ala plunderstorm, but that would throttle high MMR games, particularly early in the season


im more worried about the obvious bot teams that say nothing and do nothing yet move around the map oddly.


You literally cannot queue with another person, unless you’re a healer and then it’s the healer +1.

No one is cheating at whatever MMR rating 1-10 is. That’s gotta be like 1200 MMR.


You can’t queue into randoms as a raid as well, yet people circumvent that to get raids in anyways.


No no no! They totally have proof this is happening! They were talking about it in discord last night.

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Most players don’t have this. They just rely on train horns, fart noises, and screen flashes from their weakauras to make decisions on their inputs.

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They aren’t queue syncing lol. Explain how 3-8 players would all get into the same game and on the same side consistently

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Like you said, anyone who’s played bgs long enough knows what coordination looks like with premades.

The exact same thing that’s been happening in random is happening here now, they need to ban these people.

Had a game last night where the entire opposing team had an average honor level of 800+ while my team was all honor level 5s while I was 300.

Meanwhile our MMR was magically higher and then they went 0-30.


People have been doing it since original vanilla. Full 40 man premades into AV were common. When Classic hit, that’s how pretty much every Grand Marshal/Warchief was made because even the bots couldn’t keep up with the win rates of premades.


Same way they do it in epics.


I haven’t started my Blitz journey as of yet, but I gotta imagine that there are some folks out there with half a brain that have a generic discord channel that could post it in instance chat and get at least a couple three people to join…or they get folks to use the in game voice chat. Even if you had just half the group that would give a huge advantage for coordination. Doesn’t feel that far fetched to me. If folks were doing that I can see why it might feel like a premade.

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