BG Blitz is full of premades

These people don’t care. There’s zero evidence outside of their “feels” for any of this nonsense but that doesn’t stop the usual suspects from spreading it.

Boosting services are literally offering Battleground blitz carries, but sure, there’s zero evidence.

“We’ll notify you when WoW Battleground Blitz carry will be done” is the exact wording on one of these sites.


They’ll do it the same way they do shuffle pilots.

Important word being pilot. They’ll use your account to play with some poor Eastern European dude who can play the class well enough to win more often than not.

Originally, that’s what I thought as well, but no.

They schedule a time with you for you to play your character, and they’ll carry you. They don’t go into much more detail than that.

I was skeptical…… :face_with_raised_eyebrow: but there is something fishy goin on…. Usually I wouldn’t be suspicious but some players are literally walking in weird patterns around the map ( not once, constantly.) I spam epic bgs alot and this blitz stuff sometimes… is super sus. 🫨

Lol right. I think theadreu has been replying to me even though I told him I have him on ignore. That’s about the level of intelligence here

Bots do exist in this game, but it has nothing to do with syncing

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But I don’t think bots should be allowed in a rated bg tbh. Thats kinda ironic lol

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Not a rumor when it’s been proven true.

All bgb requires is 626 PvP ilvl and the ability to press queue.

Getting in the game requires no ability to perform or be good. There is a plethora of people just queuing because it spits rating out faster than anything else for the least effort.

They aren’t allowed in any content, but they do it anyway. There’s a lot of documented cases of bots in solo shuffle, it’s also rated

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Again, has anyone actually seen a sync queue premade in a battleground match?
Like, one team that was mostly or entirely from the same server/guild and playing like a premade?
Or a premade community who admits to syncing blitz?

Cause shady 3rd party sites will claim to sell all kinds of things.


I agree when I’m aware that I’m fighting a Premade my team usually loses.

I remember beating your team something like 1500-200 only because of how much you cry on forums. The extent of our “premade” was agreeing to 3 instructions in chat before the game started.

Also beat Abomb, watching him try to FC in Twin Peaks was hilarious. Dude is allergic to his healers.

You guys aren’t fighting premades. You are fighting a group where 1-2 people chime in with good instructions and people agree to try the strategy. People aren’t exploiting low MMR games. If they were they wouldn’t be low MMR, and due to the nature of Blitz it would be impossible to “premade” since it’s random assignment and one side has to lose.


This word does not mean what you think it means. Your feelings =/= truth.

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idk if ive come across any premades because honestly i just cant tell but i know ive lost most of my matches in bg blitz. (dont look, it will scare u)


Nowhere have I ever mentioned my feeling. Facts are what I have stated.

It’s not possible to q synch a whole team, so the odds of being on a partial premade are almost as good as being against one, and I’ve seen no indication this is happening, over many games on 3 toons so far this season.

Premades are another gremlin to deflect blame onto.


That’s all your “proof” consists of: how you feel about things.

You keep using that word. It does not mean what you think it means.


Who said they had to have a whole team? 2 groups with healer/dps are plenty.

Oh, I do. Don’t project yourself onto others.