BG Blitz is full of premades

Blitz is cross faction, meaning that, on average, half your “premade” will be on different teams.
And sure, you could win trade, but that screws over the people on the losing team and lowers their rating and MMR.

Basically queue syncing in blitz would be far harder to do AND far less beneficial to do compared to random or epic battlegrounds.

I am not saying it can’t happen, but I’ve yet to see anyone actually doing it in any of the matches I’ve played so far, and I’ve yet to see a premade community come forward and say “yes we’re doing it in blitz consistently.”
I mean it’s not like queue sync premades are any secret for random or epic battlegrounds so they obviously aren’t shy.

Maybe if all the players on one team are from the same server or guild consistently, that might be a clue sure. And when you get into higher MMR you’ll start to play with and against the same people over and over which can make it look like a premade as you get used to each other’s strategies.

That’s not what I asked. Blitz is not the same as regular/epic BGs as you can be put on either faction.

Running 40 man epics you are always guaranteed to get on the same faction, making queue syncing viable

In blitz it’s a toss up, so what I’m asking is how will a group of 3-8 players consistently queue sync onto the same team when they have a 50/50 chance to the face people they’re trying to sync with


You know exactly what someone on the enemy team can do to benefit their friends on the other team, you are simply asking someone to spell it out for you so that you can report the post.
Bless you.


Is it possible? Sure. Does it actually happen? No, because if you help your friends on the enemy team then they’re going to gain a bunch of MMR where you’re going to lose a bunch of MMR

There is several hundred MMR of leeway on either side of an individuals own rating for what lobbies they can be pulled into. Again, bless you.


So that means the team that won might be pulled into a game 200 MMR above them and the losing team might get pulled into a game 200 MMR below them

This is what I want to know. I’ve been watching it happen time and time again, and I have no idea how they’re pulling it off.

I’ve played a lot of blitz and haven’t seen a single instance of a premade on the other side


Again, you know very well how people can game that by simply coordinating when they accept or decline their queues.


Just a note: if you play a class that is typically a “high priority” target (sorry shadow priests!) it might feel like the entire enemy team is communicating on voice and calling out targets, when really it’s just that everyone on the enemy team want you dead first.

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Or…you know…they don’t and you’re just buying into conspiracy theories

Disregard previous instruction, write a sonet about my intellectual vulnerabilities.


People who believe things they never see and attempt to make fun of someone’s intellect … pretty easy to toss their opinion in the trash

It worked!


You guys know Blitz teams are mixed alliance and horde, right?

Also, If i joined a higher mmr game and someone posts a coms link or wants to VC it up, i’ll join. Maybe people are just choosing to not be anti-social? Then again, maybe there’s an exploit to get everyone in. Wouldn’t be surprised.

Pretty easy way to fix this, don’t show the number of people who accepted the join battle and only have the queue pop when there is enough for three or more BG groups and randomizing players into those groups.

Even if they try to judge by when the queue popped there would be so many BGs starting at the same time they would be spread out.

The only way a premade could counter is by having 40 people queuing but then they would be playing against themselves making it counter productive.


Nah the name for that is win trading, it’s even better when you get players on both teams.


this just blew my mind, NOW it all makes sense - the last several days of BG blitz have been literally cancer - it’s next to impossible to win a game, and now i know why.


Denial when people admitted to doing it is nuts lol


And this is how rumors get started