BG Blitz games are RIGGED

No man. It’s soooo obvious that he can’t be bothered to walk us through how he’s 3-22, but the 1200s are rampant with premades, man.

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You really want me to just come out and say it.

Its almost like you could be banned for doing this even if it was just to test it.

I would be more shocked if 16 total strangers were always ready to accept queue in a randomly assigned amount of time where things are going on outside the queue both in game and IRL.

Someone needs to post the Charlie Day meme trying to explain why their MMR is crap due to some huge conspiracy of low rated pre mades.


This is so cope LOL

It’s almost like you can’t prove anything is happening and you’re just flailing, looking for any excuse to justify your own shortcomings

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You’re projecting incredibly hard right now. My win rate is positive. :slight_smile:

You don’t know what this word means it seems

Proud of you! Mine too :slight_smile:

There is a whole lot of “dude trust me bro” in this thread rather then any real evidence.


lotta people here falling for bait.

these trolls do this bit all day every day

“just flailing, looking for any excuse to justify your own shortcomings”

Really now?

What shortcomings am I supposedly “projecting” on to you by pointing out that most people who truly believe syncers are in their 1500 games tend to blame anything but themselves for their lack of success?

Where did I list any shortcomings, princess.

Ty for confirming you didn’t know what the word meant lil bro

“you’re just flailing, looking for any excuse to justify your own shortcomings”

Never once did I say or imply I’m struggling in blitz.


Nor did I about myself which is why you saying I’m projecting wild lmao

I also said most who believe people are queue syncing solo modes do so as a way to blame ghosts rather than simply improving

Proud of you if you don’t feel you fall into that category, but it doesn’t change the fact that syncing isn’t happening on a scale worth mentioning

are they messing up your placement games where nobody loses rating?

Thank you. It’s actually hilarious you posted that. I’ll let you have the last word.

God bless brother

Went back and reread- I can see why you’d feel like I was projecting, though I stand by everything I said regarding rated mode syncing and the typical person who believes it’s actually happening in their lobbies

In all honesty, if you have a positive win-rate and or are relatively higher rated and you still believe syncing is happening without evidence, then you’re arguably more lost than the 1400 player who hasn’t started working on their own gameplay

Anyway ye god bless

Well the game takes the game gives. Managed to recover my abysmal weekly win stat back to +50% from 38% and broke 2400. I think I’ll take a break for now, good luck to everyone here

Where have they established that?

Shantarin and Celinthia/Thaedreu are like the WoW forum version of the naked doomsday screechers you used to see on street corners in certain towns/cities. That’s the level of intellect you’re dealing with.