BG Blitz games are RIGGED

Think about it in terms of math.

Out of all the queues that have popped for you, how many have you missed?
All it takes is missing 1 out of 16 of your queues and for everyone else to do the same to make it statistically likely that every queue will have a player who misses it the first time.
If each player misses 1 out of 16 queues, and there’s 16 players, well the math adds up, doesn’t it?

Again, while queue sync premades might be possible with blitz, it’s not very likely and there’s no evidence that it’s actually happening.
Now, if someone is purposefully throwing a match you can right click > report them for gameplay sabotage, but that doesn’t mean they are doing it to win trade with their friends on the other team.

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Yes and I don’t put it past certain members of the player base to try to Sync Blitz; like Hirav has said he is aware it is doable having tried himself.

Apart from some Sync communities stating they tried and succeeded in doing it ?

Im not saying it is extremely common or anything but I am saying I don’t doubt some players actively participate in the practice and other players are experiencing it.


Do you que with a pres evoker or MW flag carrier?


Did you rng a pres or MW on your team that is actively trying to carry flag and understands their class?


Then don’t talk about conspiracies of que syncing.

You did que with a pres or MW that can FC and understands their class?

and you are still losing every game?

You need to get better.

The end.

All I heard was that they tested in back in DF and were able to sort of do it at the starting MMR ranges. No one is disputing that is possible.

So it’s possible and thus doable and some people will exploit that.

How common it is is debatable, I haven’t experienced it thus far but I don’t doubt that it happens and other are rightfully complaining about the practice.

…so there’s even more incentive to abuse the queue sync because Blizzard has established- apparently- that it’s completely OK to break the game as long as it’s PVP.

Because it’s win trading that isn’t quite win trading because there’s just enough of a random factor in team comps to make it appear like it’s not.

EDIT: And a brief google search tells me it’s a frequent problem in EU where you can have nine blitz queues dodged and then suddenly get a game that ends in a complete 2 minute blow out where one team makes almost no effort.

I’ll also point out- it’s extremely easy to level characters. Or to sacrifice a dog spec’s rating in win trading. Which is why seeing tank specs in PVP is usually synonymous with win trading.

Yeah this whole idea is insane

People have rolled fresh characters to get an obscure one-off quest reward that would make a max level raid boss slightly easier.

People level alts for PVP all the time. People would absolutely trade having a dog character for a high rate of reliable wins with the relative security of win trading that isn’t obviously win trading.

We already have people who are notorious for abusing Blizzard’s lazy attitude towards queue syncing saying they had little problem doing it in Blitz. Remember, it doesn’t need to be perfect, and the fact that it’s not works to it’s credit. The critical flaw with win trading is that historically it’s really obvious when people are doing it.

People spend years memorizing tricks and techniques to get a ~1% advantage at casino games, why wouldn’t a PVP’er? It’s not like they’re trying to go pro.

Level a toon, get gear for it, rank it up enough to even get in a game with a high CR player and somehow be able to throw enough games to them while still in the same MMR range to really effect rank…


It might work for streamers, they probably have enough sycophants willing to sacrifice their rating for their hero.

But I can’t see whole communities doing it, like they do with epics.

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You failed stats class, didn’t you?

far less than 50/50 the more players you sync with. it just won’t work. factions were the glue that held premades together. then you also have mmr to deal with.


If my napkin is correct, getting 6 in the same team at 50% chance (2 teams) is about 1.5% chance.

The whole team would be much smaller chance. So basically facing a near 100% failure rate with a 7-15 minute wait time between chances.

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yep, people blaming premades for getting rolled in blitz is pure cope. it’s nearly impossible to run them.


AS I read this i have had someone drop for the last 8 queues ive done until finally i am now waiting another 3 minutes for a queue (and counting). WTF?

Not true in the slightest. It’s extremely easy to control all 4 healer slots by shuffling the dps that are queued with them based on their rating.

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Care to show us how?

It’s wild how every time I see these posts, it’s the same drivel spewed with zero corroborating evidence provided

We spent an entire expansion going through the same song and dance for Shuffle

Syncers don’t exist for the vast majority of the ladder. They might exist at the very top where end of season win trading for r1 titles may be attempted

It is not happening in 1500 games


Just reading what I posted should be enough information to do it. If you can’t use that I’m not going to blatantly walk you through step by step.

Well personally its the premades PLUS the bots. Even a 1200 player I’ve seen ( I’ve seen ALOT) don’t move in these weird snake fox type patterns. So idk at this point … :face_with_monocle:

Can you provide me with evidence that it’s happening

I don’t care what you think is possible, I care what’s actually occurring right now

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