BG Blitz games are RIGGED

Queue sync teams are canceling out during the ready check to form perfect teams. THIS IS BEYOND BROKEN, FIX IT NOW


I said this would happen and nobody cared they listened to the people doing it saying it was impossible.


Why don’t you guys set up a group and do it to prove it’s possible.

I drop queue sometimes just bc I’m literally doing something else and would rather requeue and wait while finishing a delve or quest or whatever.

Either way, prove it’s possible with actual evidence.

I’m intrigued to see what data one could collect attempting to queue sync bgb


Queue drops have been a thing ever since the dungeon finder was added back in the end of Wrath of the Lich King.
In fact I’d say that the queue drops are less than I’d expect. Blitz requires 16 players to accept and gives only 30 seconds to do it. The likelihood of at least 1 of those 16 players being momentarily AFK or otherwise in the middle of something they don’t want to stop is quite high.


why do we need to prove anything when people said they did it?

People straight up said they could do it and did do it…

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Who? When?

Where is the mountains if evidence of low mmr queue synced blitz teams?

Even if you simultaneously queued with others there’s the chance you’re not even on the same team due to xfaction. And with mmr spreads it would be even harder after every match.

Where’s an actual video of people doing it successfully over and over?


Id like to see it happen. If its possible

One of the well know sync exploit community leaders said he did it. And of course, there not going to say they do it because then blizzard will have to fix it. Try thinking logically please. Cheaters don’t yell out that they are cheating, but people can still take notice and call it out.

You have seen it happen you are just denying it.

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Um no I havent seen it being done. Where is the videos of it? I wanna know how they doing it

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I simply don’t believe you.


Why would they show they are doing it?



They’re top of the ladder then right?

If they can do it and succeed I’d assume they’re over 2400 by now.

Explain that logic lol

Queue syncing would be a massive benefit vs a non synced team. Thus improving win rates dramatically and leading to moving up rating very easily.

So if someone was capable of queue syncing blitz, they’d be high rated fast.


Not true at all. The people doing it are some of the worst players. They have been sync queueing epics and still lossing.

Why would people who openly queue sync random and epic battlegrounds suddenly become shy when it comes to queue syncing blitz?

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Because it’s a new mode.

It’s “new” compared to battlegrounds as a whole, but it’s been available for how long now? Like a year or so?

It’s not as easy?

No leave q button to start.

Synch mates getting into same game but different sides

Synch mates MMRs getting spread out too much to get matched together.

That’s just the issues I can think of off the top of my head.