BG Blitz games are RIGGED

Right. My point is that if people are queue syncing blitz, why would they try to hide the fact that they are doing it, when they’ve never been shy about it before?
I don’t think people are, and no one has said they are that I’ve seen, and I haven’t personally experienced it in-game, so I am not sure why people are so sure blitz is being premade but have no evidence of it.

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Because it’s a new mode that blizzard cares about unlike randoms.

That… Wouldn’t stop premade communities from advertising it.
Consider this: how would a premade community get premades together for blitz without advertising it? You think that out of all the premade communities out there, that not a single member from one of them would come out and say “yeah, we’re able to premade in blitz reliably.”


That… totally would… they don’t care about epics because blizzard doesn’t care.

People admit to using actual, ban worthy exploits.
You don’t think they’d admit to using something that no one has ever been banned for?


Yet there not banned? Blizzard doesn’t care about this game. That much is very clear. I have seen the same bots reported the same bots and got the notification of those bots being “banned” sense season one of dragonflight and still they show up… blizzard’s not doing their job that’s all there is.

Oh no, some of them are complaining about being banned because of using the very exploits they admitted to using but cry about it being unfair.

My point is that if premade communities are really able to reliably premade blitz, someone would have said so.
So far, the only evidence is that a few people have said that teams act like a premade which is circumstantial even if true, and there’s no guarantee everyone saying it had an accurate memory of the match in question.

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But why? It was being called out before it became rated. They want the rewards because they can’t get them elsewhere.

Is that why the first few pop ups to join the match get cancelled? I thought people weren’t paying attention but now this makes sense

It was tested while the mode was a brawl, it can be done, for a few games, but it isn’t reliable enough to make organizing it worthwhile.

No, they are being cancelled because the likelihood of all 16 players staying in-game, at their PC, for 5+ minutes straight, and not being involved in something they want to finish (killing a rare, getting a chest, etc), is pretty low.

Same reason dungeon finder queues get cancelled a lot, but people don’t blame that on queue sync premades.

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Yet raids and dungeons don’t get that many…

I miss Q pops all the time. I Q and walk away from my PC most of the time, got bluetooth so I hear the sound but if my hands are in a sink full of dishes when it pops, I’ll just catch the next one.

This post is fake news. Even if they queue into the same game, the team you get on is completely random.

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So 50/50 chance of getting on the same team then after your all in the same game ?

Sounds like an opportunity to win trade or dominate the other team if your on the same team. Either way you shouldn’t be able to do that.

I know over longer periods the MMR should sort itself out so your not in the same games but it’s still doable

Same unfortunately, many a times I race from the other side of the house doing laundry when I remember its a 30 second timer and not a 2 minute timer like Random Queues :rofl:


You know, That might be the one thing I’d want them to change, now that I think about it.

Let us have a little more time to accept the Q.

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I was a game at 1350 mmr with a glad disc priest, me being a legend MW monk; our dps sucked so bad we got 3-0. Blizzard is a complete joke.

and if you click accept and someone declines then their spot just get’s filled by the next and does not need you to click Accept again

I’ve had a few times where I click accept. Head to the bathroom or grab a drink and someone declined and it instantly popped and I missed it on the 2nd time

I get the desire for that, but with team averaging, we aren’t gonna see that. Next in line probably wont fit the average.

Yeah, your probably right about that side of things. Longer queue pop would solve some issues I think