BG Blitz games are RIGGED

I am saying make teams that you are locked into to where you cannot play with anyone who is outside of your team so there is no more 2800+ people queuing up with super low rated people just to boost their MMR. That would force everyone of equal rating to play together like in the old days. RBG teams even. Not SS teams cuz that is pure random. But RBGs and arenas most certainly should have this feature. It would also stop all the people selling PvP carries in trade chat too. With teams you can literally only play with the people on your teams and no one else and towards end of season they would always lock so no one could leave or be added in.

Name a single way in which having locked in teams would be bad for the game. It helps you make friends too because you get to know who you are playing with…you’re stuck with them for the rest of the season.

If one of your team members has a falling out with another, no one on your team can play for the rest of the season.

6 players unable to play, because 2 players refuse to queue with each other.

1 player has to work late, or has an emergency, the rest of the team can’t play.

There you go, 2 that I can think of, I’m sure others can think of more.

who is throwing at 1800 intentionally?

I mean you can, sure, I just asked where your experience comes from.

You don’t see me with 0 experience in travelling to the moon & talking in an almost 250 post thread about it. Expecting this analogy to still not get to your common sense, if it’s still around.

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Yea I did miss out on playing an entire season once because my buddy had to move across the country and he and his dad were both on my arena team that was locked in so we couldn’t replace them. But still. It is worth the risk. Arenas when we had teams were better and RBGs need to have teams. Plus the fact that when one single person cheated on an arena team, it got the entire team in trouble. And you couldnt play without your teamates logged on with you either.

I know for a 100% FACT that bringing teams back would stop a lot of this win trading I see people talking about, due to the fact that if one person on your team gets in trouble, you entire team suffers so the rest of the team wouldn’t allow foolishness to happen.

Also the other plus side that you make good friends. I talk to my old arena teammates I had from 2008 even now to this day. And we became friends BECAUSE of arenas. Not this pug stuff where no one talks to anyone unless it is in an attempt to rage.

Saying we dont need arena teams is as silly as saying we dont need guilds anywhere in WoW. They make good friendships and teach people how to play and learn and adapt.

Also didnt see as many “buff this class, nerf that class” threads back then either…because we all made specialized arena comps to feed off of each others strengths and weaknesses. In no way, shape or form would adding them back be bad for the game. Also made it to where you HAD to play with people of a near matching cr so your mmr could not get boosted by some R1 player selling your 0 rated guy an easy carry.

I have not done one single arena in retail since the removal of teams because none of it is legit anymore.

“bruh” what? I never said the game was full of cheaters.

The old man Icculus is one of those well known Party Syncers so he is a cheat lol

It wouldn’t surprise me honestly. That’s why the always attack and try and belittle anyone that speaks up about it. Honestly don’t understand why blizzard hasn’t delt with them, but the forum mods are completely useless. They temp banned me for proving Hirav was lying but yet he can go on crazy rants calling me a hypocrite and a liar and nothing happens lol mods are a joke.

Who are you talking about?

They temp banned you for calling people mentally ill.


They’re talking about you. They’ve done a comprehensive profile sweep.

They missed your more recent achievements. So maybe they moved too fast.

And they don’t understand that you might have more toons, even though check-pvp doesn’t necessarily show them.

I don’t know how they’ve determined that your character was banned though.

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It’s rare that ideas here reach such new and lofty heights of bad.

Gratz. You did it.

I also don’t know why yall don’t just mute the troll, I think I did 2 days ago

when that happens said troll deletes their toon and the cycle re starts again . :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:

Mute is 4 clicks and you deny them the attention they crave.


Your daily reminder that Thaedreu (and his 300 alts he tries to engage with himself on) is a clown and should be on ignore.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

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Because the mods only act on posts that get reported and the same cry bullies who will abuse and gaslight you constantly are absolutely reporting you when you offer up the slightest bit of resistance.

They think it’s funny. This is fun for them. Not even that annoyed about it other than that Blizzard actively encourages their behavior and rewards it. And then people wonder why no one plays PVP when it’s community is an open air sewer.

Ah yeah, I was so confused. Like this character wasn’t even around in 2009 (it was created at the very end of MoP and been my main since) and I’m pretty sure it’s impossible to get to level 80 in War Within without getting at least one achievement.

But I suppose their 5 minutes of google-fu is enough to discredit my almost 20 years of WoW. :upside_down_face:
I suppose I should feel a sense of accomplishment if people are accusing me of being a “booster account” then.

And I’m definitely not banned, maybe they think that because I haven’t played blitz this week? They are full of assumptions, like the people who are saying blitz is full of premades.

No, they straight up told me it was for “calling people names” calling someone mentally ill happens all the time. Soft little snowflake mods love your type. You have called me all sorts of names, but nothing happens. Biased BS is the problem, and it needs to be fixed. Also, what exactly is wrong with calling a duck a duck? What a pathetic world we live in.

So you already know they didn’t:

But you felt it necessary to lie about why you were banned anyway, thus proving that you’re a liar.

And you’re a hypocrite when you complain about being called a liar, when you lie, in the same complaint.

Or when you call people cowards for putting you on ignore, but you’re happy to put people on your own ignore.

For instance:

Nothing is wrong with it.

You are a hypocrite and a liar.

I’m just calling a duck, a duck.

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Bud… I talked to a mod. They only saw it because it got spam reported by you and your “friends”

I didn’t lie bud lol you just can’t accept facts like normal.

Never complained about being called a liar. I simply proved you where the one lying, that’s why you got you and your “friends” to spam report me.

I put you on ignore because you stalk me around the forums lol notice how I still talk to you and don’t pretend I can’t see them.

Nope that’s just what you have to tell yourself because it’s what fits your narrative. I admitted I was trolling people, like an adult. You do nothing but BS, troll, and lie. I’m sure you will report me again to try and get me banned.

Keep quacking lol

No, it really doesn’t happen “all the time”. And doing so violates the terms of service/social contract on pretty much any private forum or community.
If you violate the rules, you shouldn’t be surprised when you receive penalties for doing so.

And remember: Just because someone lied, doesn’t make it right to call them names. Blizzard has themselves said that two wrongs don’t make a right. Best thing to do if you think someone is being toxic or breaking the rules is to just report them and move on.